Leb' den Tag
Sunday, July 31, 2005
deeper, so much deeper
as i dive deep into you
feel your warmth, and your closeness
as though we were one and not two
seconds seem like hours
as your warmth envelopes me
teasing all your senses
let's just let the world be
lying next to each other
all our secrets laid bare
i ask with touch, not words
every breath you take, we share...
now let's get closer again
i need to feel your touch
oh...closer again
i need you so much...
'when your soul conquers my senses
and language loses all its tenses
i just want to be with you
closer...tell me you feel it too...'
deeper, so much deeper
as i dive deep into you
feel your warmth, and your closeness
as though we were one and not two
seconds seem like hours
as your warmth envelopes me
teasing all your senses
let's just let the world be
lying next to each other
all our secrets laid bare
i ask with touch, not words
every breath you take, we share...
now let's get closer again
i need to feel your touch
oh...closer again
i need you so much...
'when your soul conquers my senses
and language loses all its tenses
i just want to be with you
closer...tell me you feel it too...'
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Samantha | Long Island Iced Tea
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...samantha is finally home and yours truly got to meet up with her for lunch today! Finally...it's been so long and we've got so much to catch up on...i'm so happy that you're home again! So we went for xiao long bao at Crystal Jade...we talked a lot...about anything under the Sun...even though it was cold and rainy (bah...) and then we went to buy...avocadoes! i honestly dunno what they taste like so don't ask me. Haha...
We went to her place later so i could pick up some stuff (finally! my collection of bases is completed...tequila. haha...) and loads of new music! Hmm...finally...time to enjoy i guess...we talked for about an hour and a half more in her room before i went back home...about her life and my life, about how so much has changed, although it's not obvious to see...sigh. i just realised how much this girl really means to me...and how much i missed her. Well maybe it'll be better soon, when i go to Germany myself...as i said...let's go and tour Cognac, France...and of course i'll go with you nach Schweden...even if i know nuts about the language there...
Last night, i gathered all my white spirits and made a low-alcohol Long Island Iced Tea.
Long Island Iced Tea
10ml white rum
10ml vodka
10ml gin
10ml triple sec curaçao/Cointreau
30ml lemon juice
top up with Coke
Build in a shaker. Shake slowly to remove the gas from the Coke. Pour over ice in a Highball glass.
Of course, if you want to drink the high-octane version, just make sure the proportions of alcohol are always 1:1:1:1 and you can do whatever you want with the rest. You could also add silver tequila if you wished, but...once you do, it won't taste like iced tea anymore...so to make it more true to its name, just pass the tequila. Mine tasted like iced lemon tea...and yes i did manage to shake out the gas without an accident happening...haha...and don't worry. You won't get dead drunk drinking my iced tea...i'm not so generous as to give you that much liquor, maggot...and i'm sure you'll enjoy it...
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...samantha is finally home and yours truly got to meet up with her for lunch today! Finally...it's been so long and we've got so much to catch up on...i'm so happy that you're home again! So we went for xiao long bao at Crystal Jade...we talked a lot...about anything under the Sun...even though it was cold and rainy (bah...) and then we went to buy...avocadoes! i honestly dunno what they taste like so don't ask me. Haha...
We went to her place later so i could pick up some stuff (finally! my collection of bases is completed...tequila. haha...) and loads of new music! Hmm...finally...time to enjoy i guess...we talked for about an hour and a half more in her room before i went back home...about her life and my life, about how so much has changed, although it's not obvious to see...sigh. i just realised how much this girl really means to me...and how much i missed her. Well maybe it'll be better soon, when i go to Germany myself...as i said...let's go and tour Cognac, France...and of course i'll go with you nach Schweden...even if i know nuts about the language there...
Last night, i gathered all my white spirits and made a low-alcohol Long Island Iced Tea.
Long Island Iced Tea
10ml white rum
10ml vodka
10ml gin
10ml triple sec curaçao/Cointreau
30ml lemon juice
top up with Coke
Build in a shaker. Shake slowly to remove the gas from the Coke. Pour over ice in a Highball glass.
Of course, if you want to drink the high-octane version, just make sure the proportions of alcohol are always 1:1:1:1 and you can do whatever you want with the rest. You could also add silver tequila if you wished, but...once you do, it won't taste like iced tea anymore...so to make it more true to its name, just pass the tequila. Mine tasted like iced lemon tea...and yes i did manage to shake out the gas without an accident happening...haha...and don't worry. You won't get dead drunk drinking my iced tea...i'm not so generous as to give you that much liquor, maggot...and i'm sure you'll enjoy it...

EX November Hotel Sierra: Die Bildern
More pictures for all of you darlings...
kumar lost all his pride and decided that a broom is what's best.
The tools of my trade: AN/TPQ-37.
Sai kang warriors!
Reminders that you are overworked I: being awake @ 0600
But all we wanted was to fly kites!
Little green man trying to scale Mt. kuek
lui busted us slacking in the ARTHUR! Sigh...no more air-con...
fats! you maggot! you got busted by mel and me...and it seems you're into BDSM as well...congrats to winning the Sleep-O pic of the month!
More pictures for all of you darlings...


Friday, July 29, 2005
EX November Hotel Sierra: AAR
Well, this exercise is sure one tough mother. It ain't over yet. Takeaways are simple, i figure...for leadership, i guess.
Although i am ranting at the powers that be, i do understand that there may be unhappiness below too and i really really hope that they approach me to redress their wrongs. You see, there's nothing much i can do...i certainly cannot simply take them out of this exercise at all...and the realisation that someone actually volunteered us to do HQ's job...well, that's about it for me.
I wonder what i will be doing in ten years' time. Already i'm being exposed to the world of career sluts and slaves. People who are willing, for fear of their careers and to score brownie points, to sacrifice their subordinates' welfare. People who are only worried about when they will climb up one more rung, while turning a blind eye to what rages beneath?
Please. I thought command entailed much much more than that.
Isn't it true? The higher your rank, the dumber you get...as long as you wear bars upon your shoulders, you are in the intelligent zone...Choc bars are good for you, innit? But once you wear crabs, things change. One enters the stupid zone...as normally demonstrated by unrealistic demands, the pursuit of ideals, and those once upon a time... stories. Wells. Crabs don't have very big brains, i suppose. But wait! It gets better! Once you wear stars...you become brainless...well...since when did starfish have brains?
I'm half-expecting a crack team of commandoes to crash into my window and take me into custody where i will be brutally raped and have my CDs flushed down the toilet bowl as an insult. Fucks lah. Who cares?
Sometimes i worry for SAF scholars. How much ground-level command will they be exposed to? Certainly nowhere near your average 2LT or LTA...let's see. They come back as a project officer during their holidays, but when they graduate they are probably already second-grade LTAs...a short while more before they get their third bar...and all along, they've been groomed to think that the SAF is a well-oiled machine. Far from it, my scholarly friends. Far from it. Soon, the ideals vanish and it becomes just another career. There you are trying to carry balls so that you will promote or upgrade faster while your junior commanders fight like crazy to get the work you promised the powers that be done properly so that they can get some benefits from you. What self-motivation? It's all about serving your boss properly before he summons you to his office and threatens to hang you. So you better buck up and make it perfect, soldier!
What do they do as project occifers? I don't know. Learning the tricks of the trade? Or just covering DOO duties and WALI-ing all day? I don't know - maybe one of you would fancy to educate me, sir?
I am tired. My NCOs and men are tired. In a rare repeat of what 33rd BTACC did (as a favour which went unrepaid, for your information, maggots) eight 2LTs stayed up and slaved away until 0200 cutting styrofoam, cardboard, laminating posters, all because a certain Big Fuck (c.B.F.) suggested that the colouring was a tad gay (what do you expect?! Fucking metallic red! JEEZ!) while they had to be up at 0600 the next morning to go down for a display for yet another c.B.F. at 1500?! Men and NCOs performing Guard Duty without any guard rest and off they go again. And all i can do is watch, feel guilty, try to do something, and then feel guilty again. Especially when kuek & Co. came down for absolutely nothing. Especially when all i can do is to give them half a day off or maybe an extended nights out? Especially when i get fucked through the phone at 0605 hours when i myself try not to raise my voice at the men and have to steel myself never to shout at an NCO in front of the men? Especially when the battery lines are drawn so thin that the offices are virtually void of officers, NCOs and men?! Do thest c.B.F.s really believe that they can just draw on our manpower at will just because our bosses are away on exercise? What about the work which has to be done? What about the maggots? Who will teach them the trade? For at least 3 days every week for the past 2 weeks, TA Bty has been without any officers at all, and i am proud to say it and will shout it fucking out loud from the rooftop if i have to:
It's not because we can't control the battery. It's not because mel and i don't regulate each other. It's simple because we cannot do anything about it!
I desperately want to believe in what i'm doing. But it's slipping away. Sorry? Maybe. Just too bad. Make the nation proud of us? What's the point when one is not even proud of himself?
Hang tough, gentlemen. 15 days to go!
For john, danny, TA specs and men, galvin, reuben, SSG Andrew and his merry crew of signallers, nishant and dudes (i'll get your pictures up soon, maggots)...
Well, this exercise is sure one tough mother. It ain't over yet. Takeaways are simple, i figure...for leadership, i guess.
Although i am ranting at the powers that be, i do understand that there may be unhappiness below too and i really really hope that they approach me to redress their wrongs. You see, there's nothing much i can do...i certainly cannot simply take them out of this exercise at all...and the realisation that someone actually volunteered us to do HQ's job...well, that's about it for me.
I wonder what i will be doing in ten years' time. Already i'm being exposed to the world of career sluts and slaves. People who are willing, for fear of their careers and to score brownie points, to sacrifice their subordinates' welfare. People who are only worried about when they will climb up one more rung, while turning a blind eye to what rages beneath?
Please. I thought command entailed much much more than that.
Isn't it true? The higher your rank, the dumber you get...as long as you wear bars upon your shoulders, you are in the intelligent zone...Choc bars are good for you, innit? But once you wear crabs, things change. One enters the stupid zone...as normally demonstrated by unrealistic demands, the pursuit of ideals, and those once upon a time... stories. Wells. Crabs don't have very big brains, i suppose. But wait! It gets better! Once you wear stars...you become brainless...well...since when did starfish have brains?
I'm half-expecting a crack team of commandoes to crash into my window and take me into custody where i will be brutally raped and have my CDs flushed down the toilet bowl as an insult. Fucks lah. Who cares?
Sometimes i worry for SAF scholars. How much ground-level command will they be exposed to? Certainly nowhere near your average 2LT or LTA...let's see. They come back as a project officer during their holidays, but when they graduate they are probably already second-grade LTAs...a short while more before they get their third bar...and all along, they've been groomed to think that the SAF is a well-oiled machine. Far from it, my scholarly friends. Far from it. Soon, the ideals vanish and it becomes just another career. There you are trying to carry balls so that you will promote or upgrade faster while your junior commanders fight like crazy to get the work you promised the powers that be done properly so that they can get some benefits from you. What self-motivation? It's all about serving your boss properly before he summons you to his office and threatens to hang you. So you better buck up and make it perfect, soldier!
What do they do as project occifers? I don't know. Learning the tricks of the trade? Or just covering DOO duties and WALI-ing all day? I don't know - maybe one of you would fancy to educate me, sir?
I am tired. My NCOs and men are tired. In a rare repeat of what 33rd BTACC did (as a favour which went unrepaid, for your information, maggots) eight 2LTs stayed up and slaved away until 0200 cutting styrofoam, cardboard, laminating posters, all because a certain Big Fuck (c.B.F.) suggested that the colouring was a tad gay (what do you expect?! Fucking metallic red! JEEZ!) while they had to be up at 0600 the next morning to go down for a display for yet another c.B.F. at 1500?! Men and NCOs performing Guard Duty without any guard rest and off they go again. And all i can do is watch, feel guilty, try to do something, and then feel guilty again. Especially when kuek & Co. came down for absolutely nothing. Especially when all i can do is to give them half a day off or maybe an extended nights out? Especially when i get fucked through the phone at 0605 hours when i myself try not to raise my voice at the men and have to steel myself never to shout at an NCO in front of the men? Especially when the battery lines are drawn so thin that the offices are virtually void of officers, NCOs and men?! Do thest c.B.F.s really believe that they can just draw on our manpower at will just because our bosses are away on exercise? What about the work which has to be done? What about the maggots? Who will teach them the trade? For at least 3 days every week for the past 2 weeks, TA Bty has been without any officers at all, and i am proud to say it and will shout it fucking out loud from the rooftop if i have to:
It's not because we can't control the battery. It's not because mel and i don't regulate each other. It's simple because we cannot do anything about it!
I desperately want to believe in what i'm doing. But it's slipping away. Sorry? Maybe. Just too bad. Make the nation proud of us? What's the point when one is not even proud of himself?
Hang tough, gentlemen. 15 days to go!
For john, danny, TA specs and men, galvin, reuben, SSG Andrew and his merry crew of signallers, nishant and dudes (i'll get your pictures up soon, maggots)...
Mehr Bildern!
and more and many many more...
Wye Hong sleepwalks. Everywhere!
jun kiat likes to play with telephones à la The Cable Guy.
yours truly: 'Relak one corner la, brudder...'
Taken at 50km/h on the fucking Benjamin Sheares bridge!
Sunset...cease-fire and go back camp to sleep it off...-zzzz-
It's always threatening to rain at Khatib...
guilty marc has been watching too much Initial D. Safety driver...MY BALLS!
and more and many many more...

Sunday, July 24, 2005
After Five | Neue Liqeuers! | Bildern der letzten Woche!
That's right, ladies and gentlemen...i shall do my darndest to include pictures and a recipe and a weekend newsflash in this entry...making it like some lifestyle magazine...haha...that's if blogger doesn't give up on me.
I have acquired 3 new liqeuers! They are namely Bols green crème de menthe, Grand Marnier, and Drambuie...of course, i haven't opened all three...just one...to make this!
After Five
15ml Kahlùa
15ml Bailey's Irish Cream
15ml green crème de menthe
Layer in the order given.
Peppermint green smells like Wood's cough syrup...and tastes a bit like that too...all minty and such...when i get the means to crush ice i'll be serving people a crème de menthe frappe already...you can count on it. This shooter tastes strongly of coffee and cream, but the mint will come through somehow. Somehow. Hmm...idea...what idea? Not telling you, maggot!
Most of past week was spent at marina south slaving away, as most of you already know...but yours truly, being the shutterbug that i am, got some photos in! Check it out...
Khatib Camp by night...haha, i just love the way my camera captures colours...
And blah. Blogger just gave up on me again. Which means that...i'll post more pictures soon, darlings! hahaha...
That's right, ladies and gentlemen...i shall do my darndest to include pictures and a recipe and a weekend newsflash in this entry...making it like some lifestyle magazine...haha...that's if blogger doesn't give up on me.
I have acquired 3 new liqeuers! They are namely Bols green crème de menthe, Grand Marnier, and Drambuie...of course, i haven't opened all three...just one...to make this!

15ml Kahlùa
15ml Bailey's Irish Cream
15ml green crème de menthe
Layer in the order given.
Peppermint green smells like Wood's cough syrup...and tastes a bit like that too...all minty and such...when i get the means to crush ice i'll be serving people a crème de menthe frappe already...you can count on it. This shooter tastes strongly of coffee and cream, but the mint will come through somehow. Somehow. Hmm...idea...what idea? Not telling you, maggot!
Most of past week was spent at marina south slaving away, as most of you already know...but yours truly, being the shutterbug that i am, got some photos in! Check it out...

And blah. Blogger just gave up on me again. Which means that...i'll post more pictures soon, darlings! hahaha...
Friday, July 22, 2005
Zu führen | The Ultimate Sai Kang Machine!
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...this week has finally proven that junior officers, especially 2nd Lieutenants, are grossly overworked and way underpaid. Well, if not in other places, at least in 24th Battalion, Singapore Artillery. Goodness. After today, i feel like i either need a pay raise or an earlier ORD...
The whole NDP static display shenanigan, with patrick and CO breathing down my bloody neck, hasn't made things better. Isn't it a huge joke? National Day Parade is supposed to make the public proud of the armed forces, but it makes those involved in it lose pride. It's not to say that i'm totally anti-NDP: i understand the need for such activities, but i don't feel motivated to do it. Sigh. Instead, i'm the one who's doing all the bitching about how understaffed this battalion is and all. I should just shut my trap and do it - but i don't know why i just fucking can't. Maybe it's because i'm just kingston's replacement but now it seems that i've become this integral part of the display that irks me.
Suddenly, i've become this fucking superhero running the biggest display item for Artillery formation. And i don't like it. Patrick probably thinks i'm an asshole who doesn't give a fuck...but hey, i do. If i didn't, i wouldn't even bother turning up. i know the work pace is slow. Things don't get done fast enough. You believe i should be arrowing people to do work and instead play a supervisory role.
Sorry, sir, no can't do. I believe in doing what my commanders and men are doing. Standing around and pointing at things isn't going to get anything done. And well, there are people who are being sidewalk superintendents already...or as mel puts it, WALI-ing (Walking Around Looking Important...) I believe that the command prescence can be kept intact because firstly, my commanders already know what they're doing. And i have come to count on them. Maybe you'll count on me.
On tuesday, i treated some of the specs to yong tau foo...a treat which is long due, i figure, given the sacrifices they've had to make of late. People who are on guard duty have to swap duties early so they can go and help out without even any guard rest. Once this is over, sir, best to give everyone a treat. They've earned it.
I was DOO for the last 2 days as well...wednesday was peaceful enough, but the real hammer came on thursday. One of my men lost a fingertip cease-firing a TPQ-36 ATG in the Xenon Garage. I was the DOO, and when my handphone rang that morning...i knew that my DOO stint was just too good to be true...
I accompanied him to the medical centre where has was readied to go to hospital...and all i could do was to keep him talking, taking his mind off the incident, and assuring him that he was in good hands. It was a good thing that i notified the Ops Room beforehand, so they did all the calling and i was barely out of the medical centre when CO called me, demanding a sitrep. Perhaps it was a good thing that he wasn't bawling and howling in pain...the adrenaline rush after such trauma deadens it (that's why soldiers continue to run even if they've been shot) and he was surprisingly calm. As little kuek puts it...
'Aiyah! Told you he pak buay toh one lah...'
Much as i wanted to go to the hospital with him, i couldn't...what more could i do? Calm and assure him as best as i could. i don't know what more i could've done to help him. Next, the entire Xenon Garage came under lockdown...especially the system involved to facilitate initial investigations.
I guess i was lucky in that all the right people were there. Although S1 was nowhere to be found, people volunteered to go down. I didn't end up having to arrow some warrant officer or senior specialist to go down, leaving derek and i free enough to go and conduct our initial investigations.
I will never forget what i saw. Never.
A severed fingertip on the floor. Blood spatters. I could already see the story unfolding in my mind. Sigh. All this emphasis on safety...all the punishment they took during deployment drill...it's all come to nought. Was that arrogance i saw in their everyday work? You do the same tasks every single fucking day and you assume nothing's gonna happen til the day something does happen. Then you get fucking scared shitless and pray it never happens to you. Is our trust misplaced?
I have to talk to the VM involved. It's not his fault, even if he feels horribly guilty over it. I guess it was just a freak accident. Derek reached the same conclusion. Sigh. The poor maggot. That night, during last parade, i told the cadets about this. They deserve to know. They'll soon be given the right to lead; and soon everything will rest upon their shoulders.
This week has grabbed my perception of leadership by the balls and given it a hard wrench. Leadership isn't just about insipring your people. It's not just about making them better people. It's not about making damn sure your men know every rationale behind what you do. Command is given for a reason. Command is about knowing the right choice and doing it, no matter how difficult it is. Command is about making damn sure that your subordinates know what's an order and that they follow it especially in emergencies. Questioning can come later. And lastly, command is about making your men know that their efforts are appreciated. Only so will they go the extra mile for you. Only so. Command is involving yourself at every level. Do what your men do, they said in OCS. How true this has turned out to be.
As of now, he's already undergone reconstructive surgery. He'll be on the mend. The aftermath can wait.
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...this week has finally proven that junior officers, especially 2nd Lieutenants, are grossly overworked and way underpaid. Well, if not in other places, at least in 24th Battalion, Singapore Artillery. Goodness. After today, i feel like i either need a pay raise or an earlier ORD...
The whole NDP static display shenanigan, with patrick and CO breathing down my bloody neck, hasn't made things better. Isn't it a huge joke? National Day Parade is supposed to make the public proud of the armed forces, but it makes those involved in it lose pride. It's not to say that i'm totally anti-NDP: i understand the need for such activities, but i don't feel motivated to do it. Sigh. Instead, i'm the one who's doing all the bitching about how understaffed this battalion is and all. I should just shut my trap and do it - but i don't know why i just fucking can't. Maybe it's because i'm just kingston's replacement but now it seems that i've become this integral part of the display that irks me.
Suddenly, i've become this fucking superhero running the biggest display item for Artillery formation. And i don't like it. Patrick probably thinks i'm an asshole who doesn't give a fuck...but hey, i do. If i didn't, i wouldn't even bother turning up. i know the work pace is slow. Things don't get done fast enough. You believe i should be arrowing people to do work and instead play a supervisory role.
Sorry, sir, no can't do. I believe in doing what my commanders and men are doing. Standing around and pointing at things isn't going to get anything done. And well, there are people who are being sidewalk superintendents already...or as mel puts it, WALI-ing (Walking Around Looking Important...) I believe that the command prescence can be kept intact because firstly, my commanders already know what they're doing. And i have come to count on them. Maybe you'll count on me.
On tuesday, i treated some of the specs to yong tau foo...a treat which is long due, i figure, given the sacrifices they've had to make of late. People who are on guard duty have to swap duties early so they can go and help out without even any guard rest. Once this is over, sir, best to give everyone a treat. They've earned it.
I was DOO for the last 2 days as well...wednesday was peaceful enough, but the real hammer came on thursday. One of my men lost a fingertip cease-firing a TPQ-36 ATG in the Xenon Garage. I was the DOO, and when my handphone rang that morning...i knew that my DOO stint was just too good to be true...
I accompanied him to the medical centre where has was readied to go to hospital...and all i could do was to keep him talking, taking his mind off the incident, and assuring him that he was in good hands. It was a good thing that i notified the Ops Room beforehand, so they did all the calling and i was barely out of the medical centre when CO called me, demanding a sitrep. Perhaps it was a good thing that he wasn't bawling and howling in pain...the adrenaline rush after such trauma deadens it (that's why soldiers continue to run even if they've been shot) and he was surprisingly calm. As little kuek puts it...
'Aiyah! Told you he pak buay toh one lah...'
Much as i wanted to go to the hospital with him, i couldn't...what more could i do? Calm and assure him as best as i could. i don't know what more i could've done to help him. Next, the entire Xenon Garage came under lockdown...especially the system involved to facilitate initial investigations.
I guess i was lucky in that all the right people were there. Although S1 was nowhere to be found, people volunteered to go down. I didn't end up having to arrow some warrant officer or senior specialist to go down, leaving derek and i free enough to go and conduct our initial investigations.
I will never forget what i saw. Never.
A severed fingertip on the floor. Blood spatters. I could already see the story unfolding in my mind. Sigh. All this emphasis on safety...all the punishment they took during deployment drill...it's all come to nought. Was that arrogance i saw in their everyday work? You do the same tasks every single fucking day and you assume nothing's gonna happen til the day something does happen. Then you get fucking scared shitless and pray it never happens to you. Is our trust misplaced?
I have to talk to the VM involved. It's not his fault, even if he feels horribly guilty over it. I guess it was just a freak accident. Derek reached the same conclusion. Sigh. The poor maggot. That night, during last parade, i told the cadets about this. They deserve to know. They'll soon be given the right to lead; and soon everything will rest upon their shoulders.
This week has grabbed my perception of leadership by the balls and given it a hard wrench. Leadership isn't just about insipring your people. It's not just about making them better people. It's not about making damn sure your men know every rationale behind what you do. Command is given for a reason. Command is about knowing the right choice and doing it, no matter how difficult it is. Command is about making damn sure that your subordinates know what's an order and that they follow it especially in emergencies. Questioning can come later. And lastly, command is about making your men know that their efforts are appreciated. Only so will they go the extra mile for you. Only so. Command is involving yourself at every level. Do what your men do, they said in OCS. How true this has turned out to be.
As of now, he's already undergone reconstructive surgery. He'll be on the mend. The aftermath can wait.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Experimente | Neue Comics!
Finally went out and got myself some new comics. Haven't been reading for ages...
Phoenix: Endsong
The Phoenix entity is back, but now jean grey is dead...what will it do? Artwork which puts your favourite characters in a new light, a story arc with repercussions for the entire X-Men...hey, want to know more? Read it! How will the X-Men deal with this cosmic entity which is li
Finally went out and got myself some new comics. Haven't been reading for ages...
Phoenix: Endsong
The Phoenix entity is back, but now jean grey is dead...what will it do? Artwork which puts your favourite characters in a new light, a story arc with repercussions for the entire X-Men...hey, want to know more? Read it! How will the X-Men deal with this cosmic entity which is li
Friday, July 15, 2005
Achtung: Er frisst dein Geld auf! | Die Arbeit als Panzer | Schreiss drauf...
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...did you hear?
There's this somebody and his charitable organisation who have been going about soliciting for donations from the masses to give kidney patients a better life, with improved healthcare, including subsidised dialysis and other services. However, this maggot and his organisation have become embroiled in a public struggle over how opaque their management was. Let's see.
Under-claiming their reserves, cutting their reserves by a whopping 90%. Giving the CEO a hefty 50 grand a month, with a 12-month bonus. Luxuries like gold-plated taps. Flying first class. And lots more about financial (mis)management.
How dare they?! They dare to blatantly request for donations from people with less than 10% of this master maggot's income for donations to feed his fucking coffers?! Even some private CEOs fly economy class.
Oh, i forgot...they don't swindle the masses of their riches.
This is a gross example of leaders failing to live up to their own expectations. Leaders failing to show an example. Let's put things a little clearer. Leaders failing and then shutting their holes so that no one knows. The disappointment of everyone who has donated their money...the anger and resentment...well...if you don't understand, perhaps let's see how you'd feel if you called a donation hotline and got...
"Thank you for your $5 donation. Thanks for donating $1 to our Dear Leader, who needs gold-plated taps in his office. We know you are poor and suffering, but suck thumb, maggot!"
Sigh. To you, maggot, in the words of boss,
Go and hang yourself.
Speaking of boss, boss, sim, anthony and king are gone to CRESCENDO for a relaxing Thai holiday! Not really. But it means that mel and i have become the biggest fucks in fucking TA Battery! So...one acting BC and one acting 2I/C...don't you just love unlimited power? Haha...but...come back soon, king...so you can take over this whole NDP static display shit from me. I'm doing all the vettings for you so you'd better treat me to something, you maggot.
But getting heavily arrowed has a benefit. It protects you from other things. I think ranger Lek will sort TA Bty out when he returns to Singapore. We've been missing tons of shit. And it's not our fault, sir. Perhaps you, sir, should think about why people are not able to make it. Like demanding for dragon-boating like, 3 days in advance? That's a major point of contention. I know, sir, that you are a garang ranger and all, but...please see what's going on at ground zero. 24 SA is becoming more and more like a dictatorship. And as for CO...sigh. Please stop giving us so much stuff to do! We are overworked and understaffed. There are only 14 2LTs, not the massive intake from the 42nd FAOCC so...please be reasonable. We have considerably less processing power than the previous batch and it's not because we are incompetent fools. Just take a look. Forest is a lone ranger amongst the ROs, mel and me are doing like double the work because there were four NSFs and now only two...
Of course, sirs, please don't hang yourselves.
And lastly...fuck the weekend...sigh. Just.fuck.it. So pissed off that i'm gonna have another meaningless Saturday. Maybe i shall hang myself.
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...did you hear?
There's this somebody and his charitable organisation who have been going about soliciting for donations from the masses to give kidney patients a better life, with improved healthcare, including subsidised dialysis and other services. However, this maggot and his organisation have become embroiled in a public struggle over how opaque their management was. Let's see.
Under-claiming their reserves, cutting their reserves by a whopping 90%. Giving the CEO a hefty 50 grand a month, with a 12-month bonus. Luxuries like gold-plated taps. Flying first class. And lots more about financial (mis)management.
How dare they?! They dare to blatantly request for donations from people with less than 10% of this master maggot's income for donations to feed his fucking coffers?! Even some private CEOs fly economy class.
Oh, i forgot...they don't swindle the masses of their riches.
This is a gross example of leaders failing to live up to their own expectations. Leaders failing to show an example. Let's put things a little clearer. Leaders failing and then shutting their holes so that no one knows. The disappointment of everyone who has donated their money...the anger and resentment...well...if you don't understand, perhaps let's see how you'd feel if you called a donation hotline and got...
"Thank you for your $5 donation. Thanks for donating $1 to our Dear Leader, who needs gold-plated taps in his office. We know you are poor and suffering, but suck thumb, maggot!"
Sigh. To you, maggot, in the words of boss,
Go and hang yourself.
Speaking of boss, boss, sim, anthony and king are gone to CRESCENDO for a relaxing Thai holiday! Not really. But it means that mel and i have become the biggest fucks in fucking TA Battery! So...one acting BC and one acting 2I/C...don't you just love unlimited power? Haha...but...come back soon, king...so you can take over this whole NDP static display shit from me. I'm doing all the vettings for you so you'd better treat me to something, you maggot.
But getting heavily arrowed has a benefit. It protects you from other things. I think ranger Lek will sort TA Bty out when he returns to Singapore. We've been missing tons of shit. And it's not our fault, sir. Perhaps you, sir, should think about why people are not able to make it. Like demanding for dragon-boating like, 3 days in advance? That's a major point of contention. I know, sir, that you are a garang ranger and all, but...please see what's going on at ground zero. 24 SA is becoming more and more like a dictatorship. And as for CO...sigh. Please stop giving us so much stuff to do! We are overworked and understaffed. There are only 14 2LTs, not the massive intake from the 42nd FAOCC so...please be reasonable. We have considerably less processing power than the previous batch and it's not because we are incompetent fools. Just take a look. Forest is a lone ranger amongst the ROs, mel and me are doing like double the work because there were four NSFs and now only two...
Of course, sirs, please don't hang yourselves.
And lastly...fuck the weekend...sigh. Just.fuck.it. So pissed off that i'm gonna have another meaningless Saturday. Maybe i shall hang myself.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Mehr Strand-Bildern! | Gott sei Dank, dass...? | Kir | Eine Debatte über Mädels
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...as promised! More beach pictures! Haha...
Shit lah. The posting pictures shat doesn't work today. Fucked up, how it decides to work one day and then quits on you the next. Haha.
Anyway...today the boys and dorothy came by to my place for some mahjong...haha...kelvin almost won something very big...but the key word is almost...haha...the maggot.
And...thank goodness! The relief.
My Cordon Bleu isn't gone yet! Hahaha...Well...i suppose if it began to oxidise already, you'd be able to tell the acid taste...urk. But it's still smooth as silk, baby, and proud of it!
We also tried Kir today...if you thought drinking white wine was classy, think again. This and Kir Royale, where you substitute the white wine with champagne, will probably make you feeling like royalty, or ultra-cosmopolitan...something which makes white wine just that much more fruity...in a great way!
15ml crème de cassis
top up with white wine
Do as described in a wine goblet...add a maraschino cherry, if you want.
Yum, yum.
Me and kelvin got into a debate about women...sigh. Time to start feeling lonely again. I feel like asking someone for this girl's number, but...everytime i want to, my balls shrink...sigh. K says it's all about mentality. You got to have the mentality to be all garang and sorts...it's not me man...why on Earth do you think i fell for her after 2 years?! You maggot. Haha. Sigh...
Lonely...i am so lonely...
I have nobody to call my own...
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...as promised! More beach pictures! Haha...
Shit lah. The posting pictures shat doesn't work today. Fucked up, how it decides to work one day and then quits on you the next. Haha.
Anyway...today the boys and dorothy came by to my place for some mahjong...haha...kelvin almost won something very big...but the key word is almost...haha...the maggot.
And...thank goodness! The relief.
My Cordon Bleu isn't gone yet! Hahaha...Well...i suppose if it began to oxidise already, you'd be able to tell the acid taste...urk. But it's still smooth as silk, baby, and proud of it!
We also tried Kir today...if you thought drinking white wine was classy, think again. This and Kir Royale, where you substitute the white wine with champagne, will probably make you feeling like royalty, or ultra-cosmopolitan...something which makes white wine just that much more fruity...in a great way!
15ml crème de cassis
top up with white wine
Do as described in a wine goblet...add a maraschino cherry, if you want.
Yum, yum.
Me and kelvin got into a debate about women...sigh. Time to start feeling lonely again. I feel like asking someone for this girl's number, but...everytime i want to, my balls shrink...sigh. K says it's all about mentality. You got to have the mentality to be all garang and sorts...it's not me man...why on Earth do you think i fell for her after 2 years?! You maggot. Haha. Sigh...
Lonely...i am so lonely...
I have nobody to call my own...
Die Insel | Blueberry Caipirovska
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...no, i haven't watched the scarlett johansson movie (although i intend to...yum, yum) but today it was Island Life for the lepers and yours truly! Of course...i will be posting pictures later, you impatient maggots (can't you see the bloody timestamp on this post?! I am tired you know...) but...all i can say is...thanks for beautiful weather which has left me blackened and reddened...(sunburn warning) and thanks for the great company!
See...great company! Haha...let's see...apart from a lot of screaming when their bikes ran amok...i had a really enjoyable time! Now i am healthily blackened and almost well done...and no, i'm not prime steak...
Going out with the lepers is always fun because well...you get to catch up with them (tar has this really interesting story, heidi has a new job and as for maybe...err...=X...) and well...everyone wanted to get tanned...but somehow, only heidi and i managed to get black...by some miracle of nature, the other two ladies remained white...despite basking in skin cancer-causing ultraviolet light. And the tanning oil. I swear it works.
And we also had lots of fun...

Like...trying to pull tar in the path of a water jet...

watching a dog paddle across a water body (RCO, anyone?)...
And many many more...just that i haven't transferred the pictures yet, so just be patient and be Zen. The weather was hot enough that once we came back from our suntan session, i went straight for a ice-cold Tiger...of course, it's not good beer...but the Corona i had after my shower kinda made up for it. Haha... But i was still sweating like swine after that. Hmm. Must be the heat. Still...i guess i shouldn't complain, yes? I mean...we'd be moaning and suffering if it rained so...just be thankful.
Blueberry Caipirovska
60ml vodka
10 blueberries
15ml lime juice
15ml sugar syrup
If you know how to make a Caipirovska, you will know how to make this. It's an attractive purple colour, but the original taste is like a Caipirovska. Strong lime overtone. But...the drink really gets smoother as it goes down...because of the blueberries, i suppose. But if you wish to eat up the gunk which is left after you've finished, beware: the berries have already be macerated in alcohol for the duration which you've been drinking the top...so...expect it to taste...etwas anders...still...not half bad at all. And blueberries are good for eating on their own. I thought they'd be sour...but hey what do you know?
Raspberries are next. Anyone willing to buy a box for me? Also bought maraschino cherries. But i'm not baking cakes, ahaha...
Mehr Bilder kommen erst morgen!
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...no, i haven't watched the scarlett johansson movie (although i intend to...yum, yum) but today it was Island Life for the lepers and yours truly! Of course...i will be posting pictures later, you impatient maggots (can't you see the bloody timestamp on this post?! I am tired you know...) but...all i can say is...thanks for beautiful weather which has left me blackened and reddened...(sunburn warning) and thanks for the great company!

Going out with the lepers is always fun because well...you get to catch up with them (tar has this really interesting story, heidi has a new job and as for maybe...err...=X...) and well...everyone wanted to get tanned...but somehow, only heidi and i managed to get black...by some miracle of nature, the other two ladies remained white...despite basking in skin cancer-causing ultraviolet light. And the tanning oil. I swear it works.
And we also had lots of fun...

Like...trying to pull tar in the path of a water jet...

watching a dog paddle across a water body (RCO, anyone?)...
And many many more...just that i haven't transferred the pictures yet, so just be patient and be Zen. The weather was hot enough that once we came back from our suntan session, i went straight for a ice-cold Tiger...of course, it's not good beer...but the Corona i had after my shower kinda made up for it. Haha... But i was still sweating like swine after that. Hmm. Must be the heat. Still...i guess i shouldn't complain, yes? I mean...we'd be moaning and suffering if it rained so...just be thankful.
Blueberry Caipirovska
60ml vodka
10 blueberries
15ml lime juice
15ml sugar syrup
If you know how to make a Caipirovska, you will know how to make this. It's an attractive purple colour, but the original taste is like a Caipirovska. Strong lime overtone. But...the drink really gets smoother as it goes down...because of the blueberries, i suppose. But if you wish to eat up the gunk which is left after you've finished, beware: the berries have already be macerated in alcohol for the duration which you've been drinking the top...so...expect it to taste...etwas anders...still...not half bad at all. And blueberries are good for eating on their own. I thought they'd be sour...but hey what do you know?
Raspberries are next. Anyone willing to buy a box for me? Also bought maraschino cherries. But i'm not baking cakes, ahaha...
Mehr Bilder kommen erst morgen!
Friday, July 08, 2005
Terrorangriff! | Wieder beschäftigt...Endlich... | Mudslide
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...so finally the results of the International Olympic Committee have been released. London is the winner...but i bet you now that they wished they weren't. You see...the day after they won, all the jubilation was silenced by a number of closely-timed time bombs which went off in the London Underground as well as some bus services. London is wallowing in a puddle of shit now without a clear way out. All that confidence, all the prospects, all that built-up belief which caused the IOC to eventually vote London in has just gone up in flames.
Don't terroristen have such a fucking good sense of timing? These maggots have to bomb right at that time. And even though it wasn't the catastrophe of September 11th, but...well...that's about six billion euros gone down the drain in terms of projected Olympic spending, if people decide to go to Paris now...And can't they, for once, think up of a fucking different reason other than the Iraq War? Although it's true that some cowboy in the White House started it...bleah. The dumb choices people make. Like invading a country based on a hunch. These bloody maggots will wipe out our race someday.
And finally, my life has seen an increase in tempo...finally getting back a taste of the active life. Went to the gym on Monday with lui...had a short but very intensive workout...left my chest feeling like it just took a beating...but! I actually felt fitter. I know...it's all in the mind and all that malarkey, or it could just be the endorphin rush...but...part of me just feels good about being active again.
Boss, who recently got promoted to Captain Grade II, finally brought all officers and senior NCOs for a treat(!) at this expensive seafood restaurant after that boring Army Commanders' Forum. Maggots. The major in front of me was clearly in la-la land while COA droned on and on. I can only identify with parts of what he said...It's nowhere that easy to change the sogennante 'heartware' of the soldiers...for me, what suffices is that my men and NCOs do their jobs well and that they take pride in it. That would make me very satisfied indeed. Once they take pride in their daily tasks, one won't face the problems of people trying to geng their way through NS...
All it takes is a positive work attitude. After all, in war, although you may be ultimately fighting for your home, family, friends and lovers, when you are out in the field, be it huddled under a FOPK in a fire trench or deployed outfield in all-round local defence, you will fight and kill for the man next to you, be he an officer, NCO, or even the bloody CDF. Because he is going to watch your ass. Not for some high-and-mighty ideal.
Anyway, haha. I've never seen boss blow 'bout $300 on some expensive makan for us...which included...crabs! As encik Hoo put it, maybe he should have opened a bottle...come now...we won't be (too) picky...Cordon Bleu should do nicely...don't be stingy lah! (Although at fucking $266 for just 75cl) At least we're not asking for something like Cœur de Lion Calvados or Chivas Regal Royal Salute...or maybe we're lucky that not so many people know these expensive stuffs. Still, i think the crabs gave mel and me the runs. Bleargh.
Wednesday...was bloody boring! Ranger Lek insisted that we go for this post-ACF shite...which me and kingston were lucky enough to escape after lunch. And we went swimming too! Although it gives you a rich tan, it leaves you wasted too...so...naturally, i couldn't possibly survive the afternoon session...luckily anthony arrowed me to help him with ROLLING THUNDER stuff...could escape! For once, i didn't mind doing sai kang...
Just realised that i am this horrible Firegate-Analphabet (which is someone who doesn't know nuts about something) because...i am just.so.fucking.rotten at it! Let's see. I can only set up the signal sets and all, but when it comes to the software, i am pathetically inadequate. melvyn is like a fucking guru, that maggot. But still...anthony gave us a crash course today...which i will have to back up with many many of my own classes...before i actually trust myself to teach those maggot cadets.
Oh. FAMS deployment drill was yesterday. The combined comments of fats, pornoman and monster rico are...no urgency.fucked up.attitude. So...gentlemen, you leave us no choice.
equal parts of vodka, Kahlúa and Bailey's Irish Cream.
Build over ice in a Rocks glass and stir.
It tastes wickedly like a Black Russian! But the Bailey's does temper the vodka somewhat...plus sweeten the whole thing...strange thing is, it doesn't look like a mud-slide at all. It looks like...a White Russian. Still. Have fun, and enjoy!
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...so finally the results of the International Olympic Committee have been released. London is the winner...but i bet you now that they wished they weren't. You see...the day after they won, all the jubilation was silenced by a number of closely-timed time bombs which went off in the London Underground as well as some bus services. London is wallowing in a puddle of shit now without a clear way out. All that confidence, all the prospects, all that built-up belief which caused the IOC to eventually vote London in has just gone up in flames.
Don't terroristen have such a fucking good sense of timing? These maggots have to bomb right at that time. And even though it wasn't the catastrophe of September 11th, but...well...that's about six billion euros gone down the drain in terms of projected Olympic spending, if people decide to go to Paris now...And can't they, for once, think up of a fucking different reason other than the Iraq War? Although it's true that some cowboy in the White House started it...bleah. The dumb choices people make. Like invading a country based on a hunch. These bloody maggots will wipe out our race someday.
And finally, my life has seen an increase in tempo...finally getting back a taste of the active life. Went to the gym on Monday with lui...had a short but very intensive workout...left my chest feeling like it just took a beating...but! I actually felt fitter. I know...it's all in the mind and all that malarkey, or it could just be the endorphin rush...but...part of me just feels good about being active again.
Boss, who recently got promoted to Captain Grade II, finally brought all officers and senior NCOs for a treat(!) at this expensive seafood restaurant after that boring Army Commanders' Forum. Maggots. The major in front of me was clearly in la-la land while COA droned on and on. I can only identify with parts of what he said...It's nowhere that easy to change the sogennante 'heartware' of the soldiers...for me, what suffices is that my men and NCOs do their jobs well and that they take pride in it. That would make me very satisfied indeed. Once they take pride in their daily tasks, one won't face the problems of people trying to geng their way through NS...
All it takes is a positive work attitude. After all, in war, although you may be ultimately fighting for your home, family, friends and lovers, when you are out in the field, be it huddled under a FOPK in a fire trench or deployed outfield in all-round local defence, you will fight and kill for the man next to you, be he an officer, NCO, or even the bloody CDF. Because he is going to watch your ass. Not for some high-and-mighty ideal.
Anyway, haha. I've never seen boss blow 'bout $300 on some expensive makan for us...which included...crabs! As encik Hoo put it, maybe he should have opened a bottle...come now...we won't be (too) picky...Cordon Bleu should do nicely...don't be stingy lah! (Although at fucking $266 for just 75cl) At least we're not asking for something like Cœur de Lion Calvados or Chivas Regal Royal Salute...or maybe we're lucky that not so many people know these expensive stuffs. Still, i think the crabs gave mel and me the runs. Bleargh.
Wednesday...was bloody boring! Ranger Lek insisted that we go for this post-ACF shite...which me and kingston were lucky enough to escape after lunch. And we went swimming too! Although it gives you a rich tan, it leaves you wasted too...so...naturally, i couldn't possibly survive the afternoon session...luckily anthony arrowed me to help him with ROLLING THUNDER stuff...could escape! For once, i didn't mind doing sai kang...
Just realised that i am this horrible Firegate-Analphabet (which is someone who doesn't know nuts about something) because...i am just.so.fucking.rotten at it! Let's see. I can only set up the signal sets and all, but when it comes to the software, i am pathetically inadequate. melvyn is like a fucking guru, that maggot. But still...anthony gave us a crash course today...which i will have to back up with many many of my own classes...before i actually trust myself to teach those maggot cadets.
Oh. FAMS deployment drill was yesterday. The combined comments of fats, pornoman and monster rico are...no urgency.fucked up.attitude. So...gentlemen, you leave us no choice.
equal parts of vodka, Kahlúa and Bailey's Irish Cream.
Build over ice in a Rocks glass and stir.
It tastes wickedly like a Black Russian! But the Bailey's does temper the vodka somewhat...plus sweeten the whole thing...strange thing is, it doesn't look like a mud-slide at all. It looks like...a White Russian. Still. Have fun, and enjoy!
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Sarah Connor feat. Natural - Just One Last Dance

we meet in the night in a Spanish café
i look in your eyes, just don't know what to say
it feels like i'm drowning in salty water
a few hours left 'til the Sun's gonna rise -
tomorrow will come, it's time to realise
our love is finished forever...
how i wish to come with you
how i wish we'd make it through...
just one last dance, before we say goodbye
when we sway and turn around and 'round and 'round
it's like the first time, just one more chance
hold me tight and keep me warm,
'cause the night is getting cold and i don't know where i belong
just one last dance...
the wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar
i'll never forget how romantic they are
but i know tomorrow i'll lose the one i love
there's no way to come with you
here's the only thing to do...
just one last dance, before we say goodbye
when we sway and turn around and 'round
it's like the first time, just one more chance
hold me tight and keep me warm,
'cause the night is getting cold and i don't know where i belong
just one last dance...
Sarah Connor is just bloody awesome. Go get her CD, Key to My Soul...you won't regret it...

we meet in the night in a Spanish café
i look in your eyes, just don't know what to say
it feels like i'm drowning in salty water
a few hours left 'til the Sun's gonna rise -
tomorrow will come, it's time to realise
our love is finished forever...
how i wish to come with you
how i wish we'd make it through...
just one last dance, before we say goodbye
when we sway and turn around and 'round and 'round
it's like the first time, just one more chance
hold me tight and keep me warm,
'cause the night is getting cold and i don't know where i belong
just one last dance...
the wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar
i'll never forget how romantic they are
but i know tomorrow i'll lose the one i love
there's no way to come with you
here's the only thing to do...
just one last dance, before we say goodbye
when we sway and turn around and 'round
it's like the first time, just one more chance
hold me tight and keep me warm,
'cause the night is getting cold and i don't know where i belong
just one last dance...
Sarah Connor is just bloody awesome. Go get her CD, Key to My Soul...you won't regret it...
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Frische Fleisch zum Schlachten | Quatsch machen während der Arbeit | Sidecar | Bewegung macht müde
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...Today, we have fresh flesh (ha, ha) coming to the slaughterhouse known as BTACC...finally, we see some white bars (i.e. cadets) around battalion level...which also means that BTACC begins next week...haw haw...time to evil up i guess...i mean...they have 9 outfields in 7 weeks. Pretty fucking impressive, isn't it? Hmm. pornoman sven is up first with FAMS phase...which should include their deployment drill (shack!) and EAGLE, which is just...tekan since rico should be running the show there. Hope he takes over the exercise and makes those maggots squirm around in the mud like we did...or worse...i heard that there are 2 occifers-on-course as well...a certain CPT Sunim (who we don't really like given how he treated FATA during BATTLE KING so...haha. the ironies of life...) as well as ryan, who's been bumming around for a couple months already...time to go and exercise, dude...haha.
Fats already wants to kill someone named conan (the barbarian) but he's just the safety officer. And come to think of it, he didn't even kill his trade course...i dunno if he'll really do it this time. It's quite unlike mel and me...both of us are just out to kill...but of course, we're not tekan monsters. We just have a penchant for catching mistakes and then making them pay. It's the way we were taught...but once the men came into battery line...well...they do their share of the work and are good men...at least they don't slack away!
But, if you really do want to kill them, fats, please carry on. Well, if you can't bring yourself to do it, let rico. =P
This week has also been exceedingly busy at times, while being slack at others. Hey, we even thought up of an English name for kwok...his name is now anthony! Haha...even king starts to call him that...The story behind that is that one day we were having breakfast on Thursday, when mel pointed out that kwok looked like an anthony...so...the name has stuck! Haha...LTA Anthony Kwok Yizhi. What a bloody mouthful, no?
Sigh. My stamina has hit rock-bottom. Apparently, watching O.C. followed by One Tree Hill on Thursday nights is a huge no-no, especially when you need to get up for 5 BX the next morning. Well, i'll own up. I had a choice not to go, but i decided to go anyway. Mel came in around 0745, waking me up...for the rest of the day. But...i was just feeling damn wasted the whole day la...even became the DSO (Duty Sleep-O) sigh...maggerous. I must seriously adhere to the exercise schedule in the upcoming weeks, so that i will get myself that much more back in shape and well...gain a tad more energy to go about my work? It's all fucked up in a horrible maggerous way!
Maggots. Wells now. Busied myself with a Sidecar yesterday. The Sidecar was reportedly created in Paris during WWI...the dude who came to drink it always came and left in a motorcycle sidecar, hence the name. What a name, anyway...
45ml cognac
22ml Cointreau
22ml fresh lemon juice
Build in an ice-filled shaker. Shake and pour into a chilled cocktail glass with a half sugar rim.
Here's a tip: One lemon should easily give you about 40ml of juice. Unless your lemons are genetically-altered dwarves (which you shouldn't be using anyway, maggot) you should find that one lemon should be able to make you 2 drinks...
Well, well. This classic cocktail still bears the richness of cognac in it, but leaves an interesting aftertaste of lemon juice. The sugar rim is there for a reason. So...use it, if you must! Enjoy...a classic which everyone should drink at least once. Pictures to come!
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...Today, we have fresh flesh (ha, ha) coming to the slaughterhouse known as BTACC...finally, we see some white bars (i.e. cadets) around battalion level...which also means that BTACC begins next week...haw haw...time to evil up i guess...i mean...they have 9 outfields in 7 weeks. Pretty fucking impressive, isn't it? Hmm. pornoman sven is up first with FAMS phase...which should include their deployment drill (shack!) and EAGLE, which is just...tekan since rico should be running the show there. Hope he takes over the exercise and makes those maggots squirm around in the mud like we did...or worse...i heard that there are 2 occifers-on-course as well...a certain CPT Sunim (who we don't really like given how he treated FATA during BATTLE KING so...haha. the ironies of life...) as well as ryan, who's been bumming around for a couple months already...time to go and exercise, dude...haha.
Fats already wants to kill someone named conan (the barbarian) but he's just the safety officer. And come to think of it, he didn't even kill his trade course...i dunno if he'll really do it this time. It's quite unlike mel and me...both of us are just out to kill...but of course, we're not tekan monsters. We just have a penchant for catching mistakes and then making them pay. It's the way we were taught...but once the men came into battery line...well...they do their share of the work and are good men...at least they don't slack away!
But, if you really do want to kill them, fats, please carry on. Well, if you can't bring yourself to do it, let rico. =P
This week has also been exceedingly busy at times, while being slack at others. Hey, we even thought up of an English name for kwok...his name is now anthony! Haha...even king starts to call him that...The story behind that is that one day we were having breakfast on Thursday, when mel pointed out that kwok looked like an anthony...so...the name has stuck! Haha...LTA Anthony Kwok Yizhi. What a bloody mouthful, no?
Sigh. My stamina has hit rock-bottom. Apparently, watching O.C. followed by One Tree Hill on Thursday nights is a huge no-no, especially when you need to get up for 5 BX the next morning. Well, i'll own up. I had a choice not to go, but i decided to go anyway. Mel came in around 0745, waking me up...for the rest of the day. But...i was just feeling damn wasted the whole day la...even became the DSO (Duty Sleep-O) sigh...maggerous. I must seriously adhere to the exercise schedule in the upcoming weeks, so that i will get myself that much more back in shape and well...gain a tad more energy to go about my work? It's all fucked up in a horrible maggerous way!
Maggots. Wells now. Busied myself with a Sidecar yesterday. The Sidecar was reportedly created in Paris during WWI...the dude who came to drink it always came and left in a motorcycle sidecar, hence the name. What a name, anyway...
45ml cognac
22ml Cointreau
22ml fresh lemon juice
Build in an ice-filled shaker. Shake and pour into a chilled cocktail glass with a half sugar rim.
Here's a tip: One lemon should easily give you about 40ml of juice. Unless your lemons are genetically-altered dwarves (which you shouldn't be using anyway, maggot) you should find that one lemon should be able to make you 2 drinks...
Well, well. This classic cocktail still bears the richness of cognac in it, but leaves an interesting aftertaste of lemon juice. The sugar rim is there for a reason. So...use it, if you must! Enjoy...a classic which everyone should drink at least once. Pictures to come!