Eine Schwester weg zu sehen
Okay. After recovering from that…I went to see one of my closest friends off today.So samantha is going back to Germany tonight for perhaps another 5 months, until March. Hopefully I’ll have ORD-ed by then and be aimlessly wandering the streets. Haha…Not really lah…hopefully by then I’ll have already found myself a job and have some source of income. Hopefully by then I’ll be able to drive.I went out and happily forgot my handphone…luckily i had a stroke of luck in meeting sherry at Tanah Merah station when I was waiting for the train to the airport…sigh. So silly of me! Anyway, thank you for reminding me that I am now old…hawhaw…so are you man! Bleah. Cannot take this. Haha…
I'm watching a bottle of frozen Corona de-frost itself.
So we got to the airport, took pictures, talked with the family until it was about time for her to go. It’s kinda strange. I didn’t talk much to her this time…but only now that she’s gone do I feel it. Hmmm. Aiyah! This kind of thing ah…let’s not dwell over it! She’ll be back in a flash!The taxi ride back (yes, sorry, I appreciate being ferried to Bedok but seriously, the last bus left at 2300…maggots.) was…amusing? The driver talked 90% Hokkien to me even if Gold 90.5 was playing in the background…haha…I guess it’s their own way of staying awake in the long horrible nights.
Anyway, my Corona has just de-frosted sufficiently...which means...
Good Day! And…if any of you read this…I’m waiting for photos!
Ich bin ein 20jähriger!
About half an hour ago, I turned 20.*pauses for applause and wild whoops*Goodness. In a blink of an eye and I’ve reached 20. Happy birthday to meHappy birthday to meI hope you know you’re twentyHappy birthday to me
The Green Hills of Tyrol
There was a soldier, a Scottish soldierWho wandered far away and soldiered far awayThere was none bolder, with good broad shoulderHe’s fought in many a fray, and fought and won.He’d seen the glory and told the storyOf battles glorious and deeds nefariousBut now he’s sighing, his heart is cryingTo leave these green hills of Tyrol.Because these green hills are not highland hillsOr the island hills, the’re not my land’s hillsAnd fair as these green foreign hills may beThey are not the hills of home…And now this soldier, this Scottish soldierWho wandered far away and soldiered far awaySees leaves are falling and death is callingAnd he will fade away, in that far land.He called his piper, his trusty piperAnd bade him sound a lay…a pibroch sad to playUpon a hillside, a Scottish hillsideNot on these green hills of Tyrol.And so this soldier, this Scottish soldierWill wander far no more and soldier far no moreAnd on a hillside, a Scottish hillsideYou’ll see a piper play his soldier home.He’d seen the glory, he’d told his storyOf battles glorious and deeds victoriousThe bugles cease now, he is at peace nowFar from those green hills of Tyrol.A traditional Scottish song, accompanied with bagpipes, telling a story of a soldier in a far-off land…once played in battle to rally troops leaving the battlefield, retreats were also played to lull the weary warriors to sleep.I just want to find a place of sanctuary, to find a place of peace…never mind that I will lead the simplest of lives, as long as you are there with me, all the hundreds of you’s in my life…or am I fated to live out our failures time and time again, only becoming more and more bitter? Perhaps home is a place where we live out our happiness, sadness, successes and failures…and part of me is crying to leave this place. To leave all of you behind.I am torn…where do I go now?
Allein ein Tag verbringen
Allein ein Tag verbringenHallo ihr alle da draussen…Sigh. This is the first weekend I’ve spent alone.And how was it, you all may be asking?Well…it kinda sucks, that’s for sure…but on the other hand, part of me feels that it’s worth it. For once, a weekend with zero expenditure…but that’s about all the positive points I can think up of right now. I feel strangely empty…moping around the house all day since I came home in the afternoon. reuben called in the afternoon, asking if we should call it off because everyone we invited cancelled on us…and asking if we should try another day. I really marvel at his optimism, because my acid reply was…‘Well, YOU can try.’Everyone just thinks that things can be pushed to another day, but well…it’s all fine and good to say so but this day is not going to happen. And suddenly, I don’t care anymore whatever happens. Because ultimately I get the feeling that no matter what you do or how many times you try, people are just going to smile sadly as if they know something you don’t and then try to blow you off. I don’t see why I should care anymore if people are just going to use that feeling of pseudo-business, as kah yee coins it, to push things off. And for all of you out there who don’t appreciate what others do for you, I have just one thing to say…‘fuck you, very much.’So this morning I got up, went for breakfast alone at Serene Centre before going to the bank to settle my debit card. After that, I went for a haircut, out for lunch with my poppa, and then spent the rest of the day rotting at home. Right now I’m drinking a homemade tequila sunrise…the good life you say? Bollocks. I also finished The War of Don Emmanuel’s Nether Parts by louis de bernières…at times hilarious, at times a faithful reminder of the human nature…a must-read for all, I suppose. But then again, now I could be all dressed-up at some high-end bar sipping a mai tai or maybe some cognac on the rocks. Sigh. It’s always the alternative which seems better, isn’t it? And thinking of how I have to go back to OCS to see the maggot cadets commission next Saturday in my No. 1…sigh. No more Saturday! Bleah. Rotten.
Der Traum
I also had a dream. Sigh. Am I thinking too much about these people? I saw myself going out with ween…I was in a long-sleeved shirt, those which aren’t too formal and pants and she was dressed up…and we were in a bar sipping cocktails, chewing on peanuts and waiting for other people to come. Somehow, they never came. What does this mean..? Should I spend time divining over this or just laugh it off? You can’t deny one thing, though…I miss you. All of you.But I’m tired. Very tired, and disgusted. Whenever I say something to all of you or try to sell you guys something, I do it knowing that chances of it being realized are actually slim to none. Pathetic? Maybe. On the other hand, maybe it’s time to be a bit more apathetic.On days like this, I really wish I was DOO…at least it won’t feel so wasted. Bah…but at least I’ve saved up a bit…and I really think I need new pants...and I’m also awaiting The Corrs’ new album, Home…so…Shopping, anyone?
Wie kann man den Tag leben, wenn niemand es will?
Sometimes i feel like i've been mixing with the wrong crowd all along.
Why? Why?
I don't know. I just feel this way.
I say that i want to seize the day - carpe diem - and it always falls flat on its face. Maybe it doesn't show in camp because well i keep myself busy and entertained, but whenever i have time to reflect on things, this feeling always comes back. And it fucks me up. It's not to say i'm this anti-social monster - contrary to that, i always enjoy good company - but it's beginng to suck. I am seriously feeling like i'm 35 years old now. All the joie de vivre, all the laughter, all the energy...it's simply sapping out of my limbs.
Now, why have i been mixing with the wrong crowd? If you thought being happening in JC was something...well...it didn't mean i was havoc. Sure, i drank, smoked, slept in classes, laughed loudly, disturbed the ladies, skipped school (just occasionally,) had scandals and all the what-not. And i guess my friends were all great people who knew to bend the system, but in the right places. They were decent people you could go out with and let your hair down with.
Am i wrong to say that it was because things were so good between us, that we grew so close that people began to take each other for granted? Well...i for one don't understand why our friends have all turned into mindless muggers who are obsessing over work. Yes, yes...people will say that we in the army don't really have any commitments...no stress...and i will tell you that this is all bollocks. If there weren't any commitment nor stress, why the fuck do you think i am still going outfield to deploy with my section?! And people will say that it's their future...yes there are almost infinite aspects to this tacky little problem and well...you say you're sorry. Guess what...
I'm sorry. For all of you. And for myself.
It seems that everyone will have 7-day weeks in the future...working their asses off.
I never really chiong-ed because in the past no one in my side really did...no one goes to dance, fool around, and chat up beautiful people. Pubbing made things essentially...more private because we talked about our own lives and dreams over glasses of liquor. We believed that being serious and gentlemanly would be cool...in a way, it still is. But in being like this...we left out the other part of ourselves...the us who wanted to have fun, to party, and to laugh at life sometimes.
People have made the effort to organise something and to inform you...just a little reminder that you're not forgotten...but you all have seemed to move on. The stink of it is that we are here. Stuck in limbo. Unable to move on. And for all of you...it always seems like the sentence which goes, 'cela est bien dit, mais il faut cultiver notre jardine...' and you all should translate it into English. you'll understand what i mean...
I have fun with my radar section. I enjoy deploying with them, sweating with them, pushing myself as i push them...it's like a team sport. Everyone has to know exactly what to do and then do it...That's a reason why although i am becoming so lazy/fat/(insert negative adjective) these days, i don't procrastinate when it comes to deploying...if we have to do it, i'm not going to stand around and be another fucking sidewalk superintendent. And well sometimes when the day is out, it's just good to relax and light up with them. Or play badminton. Or complain about the shitty rations. Yeah, wells.
This is NOW. Perhaps i should let the past rest.

A panorama, taken from Lum Hin at sunset...

The new anti-smoking campaign
Sei mit Mir | Sich (fast) umbringen
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...today has been enjoyable, even if it's a Monday and it's been cold and rainy all morning but only to become tropical in the afternoon. Even if i've been out to lunch, and then a movie. Even if i'm going to book in tonight. Yeah, so many even ifs that...i don't really care anymore. It's been a pretty damn fine day. And well...i haven't reached the stage where man lebt täglich für den Abend...bestimmt noch nicht, sowieso...haha...
I went out to settle some stuff for my debit card application but oh well, seems like i have to go back to the bank to convert my bank account into one operated by signatures...well...i guess it's about bloody time, since i adopted my current signature in the Army and well, i think this will be my permanent one, unless people start faking it...haha...
I then met samantha for lunch! It's really been awhile since i last saw her...and well...she really looks like the young professional nowadays huh? Haha...but in her own words...
'why aren't people like checking out my age when i want to watch some movies?'
Well...haha...if you're 21 and you look 26...it's pretty funky. Just don't look older than you are in like 20 years' time...sigh...speaking of which, i feel really auld too. I feel positvely ancient. What the fuck...and i'm not even twenty yet. But oh well, people aren't checking my credentials when i go watch movies or go pubbing...i guess that's the cool part? haw.
Anyway, back to topic. We went for soup...i had Boston clam chowder...which was really a bit too filling...*burp* but satisfying nonetheless! Then we walked around...talked...observed sam's mosquito bites...and then she had to go back to work. Maggots! Haha...well...she is someone i can spend an entire day with...or 2...or maybe forever...hahahaha...
Then i met ryan to watch this local film, Be With Me...(aiyah, support support a bit lah...) well...i must say that it was a bit too arty-farty...imagine intense periods of boredom, then one segment of two goddesses...then boredom again...but the story it's trying to bring over is heartwarming. The blind, deaf old woman has relied on her faith, and the revelation that she was living well while others had to fend for their very survival to live from day to day despite her disabilities. The old man whose wife had him kill her in the hospital acted so out of love, to end her suffering. However, he was dependent on having someone to love, without whom he was suffering so badly. The good-for-nothing was so infatuated with the girl of his dreams, yet she never noticed him. The hottie who cut off all contact of her friend because of a secret, forbidden kiss they shared loved her, but loved normalcy more than her.
And although ryan found it too arty-farty and made a lot of small talk (yes i think we were, in some way, public nuisances hawhaw) he said...
'well, it's quite heartwarming lah...at least you don't feel like you've paid 7 bucks to watch bullshit.'
And for the hotties in the abovementioned movie, like samantha tan...
I am carrying a flame for you! If you ever read this, that is. hawhaw. No lah. That was brilliant acting. And if you think i am being shallow and testosterone-dominated here, you're probably right. Haha... But i am serious about your acting. Woot. Speaking of the above picture, i almost burned myself to death last night. As you can see above, i think that Cointreau is the only liqeuer in my inventory that i can light easily...unfortunately when i was carrying the burning shot glass, some liqeuer spilled over the edge, causing the entire mouth of the shot glass to really flare up! I was terrified sialz...thought the whole fucking shot glass was gonna explode in my hands...luckily i managed to blow it out. Whew. Anyway, there's a problem. I can't even light cognac easily...hrmph. Problems.
Das Herbstfest | Strasse der Sterne | Zurück zu Dir
Today we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, a day where the earth is lit up by the Moon's fullest splendour. It is only on this very magical night that la luna is at her brightest. Tomorrow she will be at her roundest.
Coincidentally, it also happens to be my lunar birthday.
*pauses for applause*
In the eyes of my people, i am officially 21 years old. But of course, i am still a youthful 19! My birthday comes in ten days' time and well...as sherry once told me...
'i'm devastated!'
yours truly is kinda devastated too. It's amazing how quickly time zips past...alles sind fort, nur ich bleib stehen...i feel like this bewildered bystander who sees everything zipping past but who can't do anything to slow things down. sigh...i mean...compare then and now. I feel so much older...and while others my age still have the joie de vivre to show it to the world, i just feel...old. I should be out there enjoying youth, but here i am. I don't know why deep down i am just the serious, 30-year-old me. Being full of nonsense in camp doesn't count.
What the fuck man...suddenly i feel rotten. Perhaps on my birthday i shall pull a johnny knoxville...
'Hello, my name's guojun, and today, i am 90 years old.'
I need to find the part of me which is havoc, young, smiling and wild. Maybe i left it in Deutschland in 2002. Not like now. I feel strangely...burdened and tend to think too much about things. Especially about relationships. Sigh. I guess that's got to be the stink of it all huh? Part of me still believes in the most beautiful dreamscapes, but another part of me is constantly slapping myself, reminding myself to wake up...sigh...was kann ich machen?
My life seems like this Strasse der Sterne - a boulevard of stars - radiant pinpoints of light against a velvety black...well, it also means that these stars, although radiant, are few and far between, yet they are bright enough to light up the entire stretch which i must walk...you can interpret it any way you like. I myself couldn't explain this to you...
And here is something i wrote up...
Back to You
Ich will zurück zu Dir - und ich gäb alles dafür
Ich will zurück zu Dir - ich steh fast vor deine Tür
Ich will zurück zu Dir - Gib mir noch mal 'ne Chance
Ich will zurück zu Dir - ich mach alles wieder gut...
Years, Months, Days...Hours, Minutes, Seconds...
I try to find the right words to say to you
Carved our names in the shape of a heart
Walked together - hand in hand...
Remembering the night you went away
Broken glass from the picture frames...
Ich will zurück zu Dir - und ich gäb alles dafür
Ich will zurück zu Dir - ich steh fast vor deine Tür
Ich will zurück zu Dir - Gib mir noch mal 'ne Chance
Ich will zurück zu Dir - ich mach alles wieder gut...
Now i'm standing outside in the pouring rain
Wishing that you were by my side again
Waiting, patient, but all in vain...
Years, Months, Days...Hours, Minutes, Seconds...
I want you back - i'd give everything for you
I want you back - standing at your doorstep
I want you back - All i want is a chance from you
I want you back - A chance to set things all right...
Sigh. Whenever i write stuff it always means i'm in a contemplative mood or slipping into self-destruction again. Maggots.

Another breathtaking sunset. Location: unknown

A dusk shot from B16 at the only structure standing in miles...

Khao Din So, taken shortly after dawn...

Crocodile Hunter: Kuek
Denkstraftäten | Wahre Böse
I was reading the papers just now.
It seems that the authorities are prosecuting people who write stuff on their blogs which promote hate crime and racial discrimination. And they're not sparing minors. Reading The Sunday Times today, they've arrested this 17-year-old private school student who posted such stuff on his blogs. Misadventure? Maybe...but i can't help but feel that the authorities of our sunny little island are being too extreme.
I mean...for goodness' sake, this guy is just a kid. It's not like he's been raping and pillaging or like he's been waving a knife in his momma's face for more pocket money. Are you going to ruin his future just because of something he said? I haven't watched the latest jack neo movie but our society has become one which treats ex-cons like they're freshly from the furnaces of Hell.
Speaking of which...it has just dawned on me that although rapists and serial murderers may be psychopathic or just, well, plain evil, but it is the evil of the angry masses which is always left unseen. It is they who have committed the worst of atrocities. Case-in-point. Upon the liberation of Eindhoven after the Normandy landings, women who were reported as having provided the Germans with sexual services could be seen publicly humiliated on the streets. Maybe they didn't have a choice. But still.
There was the case of this guy who allegedly sexually assaulted, murdered and then dismembered the body of a 8-year-old little girl. After the court sentenced him to hang, he was allowed some time with his family, which came from Malaysia. One indignant bystander told his weeping mother:
'Why are you crying? He is a monster. He deserves it.'
It's such self-righteous thinking which is truly fearful. You see ordinary people turn into angry, hate-filled monsters. Sigh. Evil is everywhere.
Anyway...this whole spreading hate issue brought back something which, if you've read George Orwell's 1984, must be familiar with: the concept of Thoughtcrime.
Thoughtcrime (n.): A deviation of mentality from what has been indoctrinated into one. The very formation of such deviant thoughts constitute the crime, even without any material action being taken.
Hate crimes are a category which has been criticised as being thoughtcrime legislation. And while it is the duty of the government to ensure that people do not do things out of bigotry, it is also the duty of the government to ensure the viability of its charges. By arresting someone as young as that, it has effectively failed the second abovementioned duty. Blogs are an expression of one's thoughts, and it is a room for one's private thoughts. What are you trying to prove by arresting someone who writes racist statements on his blog? That the concept of thoughtcrime exists here, in Singapore? Or maybe this is some form of pre-crime: nipping the thorn in the bud?
Has he been going out there inciting people to attack Muslims? If not, then i guess people will have to be really careful. Anyone at the local kopitiam who says a racist joke is subject to criminal investigation, and many people who are serving the nation like me would have been court-martialed many times over. Isn't it scary? The people have become the government's own thought police: apparently they were the ones who called the police and warn the authorities.
Some have described our island as being run by a benevolent dictatorship: maybe this is one of the expressions of it. At least they're only slapping those convicted with a fine, not carting them off to some mental institution where they are treated with psychoactive drugs.
And to those people who think that this is utterly wrong, think again. If we don't learn to loosen up at times or be a bit more accomodating, then what kind of open society are we building?
Flame On!
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...i have finally picked up the guts to do it.
So geht's:
So here i was pouring myself a B-52 last night when something flashed through my mind. I read it somewhere.
Cointreau is easily ignited.
I don't know when i got the guts to try to ignite a cocktail too, but well, i went and got some matchsticks. The first stick went out with a whoosh which i think was some kind of mini-explosion due to the ignition of the alcohol fumes. But i got it with the second stick! What they say is true...you can't really see an alcohol fire when the lights are on...so...turn off the lights...and you will see a beautiful blue flame dancing on top of the liqeuer. The above picture was taken with the lights off.
It also has this wonderful effect of warming up the liqeuer at the surface only, while the bottom layers remain at room temperature...and well...drinking warm Cointreau was a whole new experience altogether.
I think i've worked out someone's birthday stuff already. Haws...
0 x welfare | FATEP und alle Sonstiges zu betrachten, wenn sie vorbei sind
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...jetzt ist es soweit! Well...i shouldn't be saying so because we haven't been anywhere...but...BUT...after going back to camp early on Tuesday (yes we all didn't clear our off. Maggots.) and going outfield twice (on Wednesday and Thursday) for deployment drill...i think i can say proudly, 'jetzt sind wir soweit...'
It's fucking absurd that the BATTLEKING crew had to come back only after one day of post-flight off to get ready to fight FATEP by going for deployment drills. I mean, come on. Sigh. But i guess like uncle Hoo puts it...
'I am a fuckers.'
So we all had to come back...and we found out, much to our dismay, that we have really that much to do. Sigh. I really donno what the biggies are thinking. i think they are all wankers. Silly sia...i mean...maybe they should really get the FATEP over and done with in October than delay it to post-THUNDER WARRIOR. Of course, i don't mind not fighting FATEP, but...still...give us our peace...i think it's really silly that well...we have to go for training now, then go for a 3-month hiatus without any training whatsoever...you're going to lose it all anyway!
Ownage. Sigh. Nothing in Oktober except for the maggots...ahem...newly commissioned officers!...coming in...where we will probably have to conduct the 37 package for them...followed by ICCT/ACCT in November...range in Dezember...THUNDER WARRIOR in Januar...and finally, FATEP in Februar. Hopefully boss will pass the FATEP to the maggots...urr...i mean, junior officers and leave us in peace to clear our off. However...
I want to go to THUNDER WARRIOR!
I want to go to THUNDER WARRIOR!
I want to go to THUNDER WARRIOR!
Okay, that's about enough...
On to FATEP training.
The past 2 days have been deployment drills...with yours truly being the Safety Occifer for mel's section and vicey versa. Sigh. i think whoever came up with the manpower allocation for the TPQ-37 must have had welfare in mind. I mean...they are really overstaffed...they have 4 more guys for deployment and camouflaging, while the 36 section has to slog their collective guts out just to get a good timing. Must have been a different TA BC all along...one must have been a fucking dawg and the other a really nice dude.
Not to say that they have no standard! Despite the (unfair?) prevalence of noobs on my section, they've adapted pretty well. We've got a 10:20 deployment timing, which i must say is really quite fucking amazing, isn't it? Mel's side is slightly better, but let's take into account that they don't have to do the following:
1. level the trailer.
2. initialise.
The two things which take the most time and are normally the make-or-break factors...
Derek, my 2I/C, has been going around scribbling his rank on the whiteboard as a Master Sergeant, attempting to stone marc because he didn't bring coffee with the night snack, and generally disturbing the peace. However, he brings some laughs to the section and i guess a few laughs is what people need to keep things up. And it's not like he's a cock at deployment - he knows his stuff too. Plus the specs - ah bang, kwan and the other guys...hopefully we will be able to maintain the team dynamics and have a good training for FATEP. Everyone's doing well, although we are so tired...things will come to pass.
Bah. I'm sitting at home sipping a Rusty Nail. Now, this is the life. Leave the rest for tomorrow. Haha...

Some kind of sunrise over B20A: the Original

Action fronted and ready for beaming!

Illumination rounds over Khao Yai, Bravo 11

Postcards from the Army: Missing you...from CRESCENDO.

Cows drinking at a watering hole, Bravo 9.

Sunset at Khao Meng: breathtaking!

A few more seconds and you're dead...

The skies are bluer in CRESCENDO than here about 95% of the time...

A dog seeking shelter from the midday heat under our vehicle

The first set of people, Bravo 9 (Lum Hin)

Another rainbow, captured at dusk at Khao Meng.

©Jason. Double rainbow in CRESCENDO.
So i am finally home. After 16 days in CRESCENDO (now called thailand forever more...) and 7 days outfield...i am finally home. What a trip! My BATTLEKING was never as bad as this, but i guess it's because BATTLEKING is an instructor's exercise. How ironic...the cadets are there and everyone tells them that it's their exercise, when in actual fact it's only ours? Sigh. I guess the true meaning of commissioning is re-hashed upon us when it comes to cadets. One can see that they do not have to bear much true responsibility. I don't have to explain much more, nor do i have to raise any case examples. It's pretty much self-explanatory, and those who haven't experienced it or who have passed up the chance to probably won't be able to relate to it, anyway.
I suppose better things could be said about the weather, though. Rotten, it was! Maggots. Still, we got impressive shots of things you never get in Singapore! They'll be posted later, of course...i'm not done transferring them yet...haha...
Opinion is much divided about the cadets. There are those whom, sadly, nobody wants and there are hot property which people will kill for. Well...to those of you who attented this 44th BATTLEKING as trainees, well...you know yourself best. I'm not here to vouch for anyone, or to say that anyone is a maggot, for fear of repercussions as above.
Except for someone who can't topo to save himself...
The dudes were fun! ryan, kuek, junkiat, guanseng, joshua, garrick, kelvin, ben and my interesting thai driver! (sorry if you read this, but i don't think i can spell your name properly...) it was fun doing sentry with you guys, watching MTV Jackass, smoking, eating, watching anime in camp, and generally slacking off! Hawhaw...
And also to my 43rd FAOCC bitches, forest, pornoman, jason, SOH, eugene, hian yi, shixian, josie...have i missed out anyone? Anyways...it's nice coming up to Sai Yok again to rot...and well...it certainly is a treat to go up with some old friends...i mean, well, that's the other plus point of going on exercise...wonder who i'll be going to THUNDER WARRIOR with. Hmm...
A tad too much rain was indented for this exercise...which ultimately led to soft, muddy grounds which vehicles got stuck in, insanely hot days but some cool (or freeze-your-balls-off-cold) nights, no mosquitoes (although sleeping in sai yok was a killer due to the funky mattresses, mosquito raids, and the heat. So i guess i was quite thankful for the rain post-ex, because for once we could wrap up at night,) wet socks and boots, kuek and kelvin all starkers in the deployment ground bathing in the rain, and...well that's about it...
My boss-to-be, cpt sim, was demanding, but fun also...sometimes it really pisses you off because he can make so many demands but then again he's actually quite an okay dude! But i wonder if i fucked myself up in front of him...to me it seems like only one ground passed his concealment demand...which was pretty damn demanding indeed considering how all the big fucks were coming down...i won't tell anyone about the section's little escapade to B20A! haha...
But having him go up also was good. This BATTLEKING was like a learning experience for me, where i picked up a lot of details on operating the radar which i never really knew. I shall consolidate it later today, i suppose - it's worth it. I feel as though this BATTLEKING has not only seen me as an instructor, but also as a student - i've learnt what's fundamental to my trade and have come out all the better for it. sim is damn knowledgeable and i guess it was my fortune to be able to go up and learn from him.
Sadly, BATTLEKING also reflected how much AI thinks of 24 SA. Our cadets are outcasted. Other cadets are already bad-mouthing them. Somehow a lot of blame gets pushed to us. Either our unit has been cursed, or it's just simply a bad time to be there. I think i'll be frank in my opinion here. I have no issues letting my cadets run their own section, make their own mistakes because ultimately they'll learn...is that wrong? Maybe because we don't have to deal with live-firing but still. Two differing schools of thought.
Bah. Screw that. We're back! It's over! Pictures to come...
Hier bin ich's wieder...
Ich bin angekommen. BATTLE KING ist vorbei. Was für ein Albtraum das mal war, oder?
Wichtig ist: Ich bin endlich wieder heim.