Cassis Comfort...now go get comfortable.
Über Ärzte: Teil II | Früchtensaft? Cassis Comfort
Was reading the newspapers when i came across this article about this case 4 years ago.
An NSF corporal died of a rare flesh-eating bacteria in hospital after complaining of general unwellness, fever, and weakness. Apparently, he was transferred about in hospital and a doctor was even overheard to be talking to him about malingering...such that ultimately, he died under very uncertain circumstances. His family members reopened the case to find out more, to know more than just the coroner's report.
Ask any doctor this question: What are your obligations?
To save lives? No doubt. To render medical assistance? Certainly. But many quacks, in dealing with NSFs...have a certain mindset change...namely, that the personnel involved may be malingering. To start with, i believe that there are people who are malingering outside. Cases where they'd rather book out and see a doc than see their friendly (or issit fuckly) camp MO. Those fuckers deserve to be caught and hung by the balls. But how does one determine if a person is malingering? Some certainly don't base their judgements on medical evidence!
I went to the Krankenhaus (Deutsch: hospital) today looking for a solution. All i got was a delay. Can tell that the dottore wasn't really that interested in paying any serious attention to me. Had the impression that he just thought i was another soldier who COULDN'T GIVE 2 MORE FUCKS. Totally bo ka lan...didn't even bother to go and feel the toe...which is a bit spongy some places. You mofo. I guess you thought you were being nice by giving a malingering soldier more slack time, but i for one do not look too kindly upon slacking! I just wanted to get it over and done with. And who's gonna complain? Even if we did complain...it's your word against mine. Already a foregone conclusion. Bah...Don't think because you've been through NS, means that you are a fucking know-all guru! Maybe you had a fucked-up PC or something which hinted to you that occifers are fucked up but well surprise...i hope not to be one of those.
Maggots. I can trust my combat medics over some doctors. At least they make the effort to attend to the person first...and it's only after 2 times or so before they begin to even suspect foul play...And if it really is foul play, they don't dick around by giving extensions to status, re-appointments, pushing the ball to someone else's court...they go straight for the drip. Now that's a solution.
Cassis Comfort
Try this - let the fruit flavours run wild!
30ml Southern Comfort
30ml crème de cassis
75ml orange juice
75ml grapefruit juice
Build over ice in a Collins glass and stir...but i'd recommend shaking. Crème de cassis is unusually dense and will stay at the bottom...and i must say it requires quite some stirring to even achieve some semblance of mixture. But if you stir it, you get some sunrise kind of effect...as in...the colour is graduated...but it's all red. Haha...want to know what i mean? Pictures to come!
Über Ärzte und mein Geschick
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...sometimes i feel that...doctors are maggots. Not all (and definitely not referring to you, kah yee) but yeah. Imagine this...going to the hospital, sitting there and waiting for about 45 mikes, before you get summoned into this room where the quack is already on the phone, blablabla...before asking me what did i do to myself?? So uncle me showed him the toe, and he didn't even prod it, and it proceeded as such...(to the best of my memory of course...)
Of course, Q stands for quack and well...whatever is in italic represents yours truly, uncle Me. You'll recognise the extra parts i put in. =P
Q: There doesn't seem to be any inflammation...or infection...is there pain?
-of course it hurts, you maggot, and i can't run because of this...
Q: Were you ever prescribed antibiotics?
-like...DUH...but they put me off antibiotics when i came to NUH.
By now, he is scratching his chin thoughtfully.
Q: Could it be your footwear?
-if you've been wearing Gore-Tex Boots for 1.5 years, could it still be your footwear? Now hurry up before i jam my 277 up your arse.
Q: I don't think i should recommend you for surgery...maybe i'll give you excuse boots?
-you fucking maggot. i want to stop feeling like a fucking retard walking around in admin/sandals attire. It's demoralising and depressing to feel so useless. No, thank you, sir, i have a job to do. Did you know that by running, you can actually dodge arrows?
Q: I'll give you an open appointment, so you can come back if things go cruddy...
-thanks, swine.
So much for being friendly. 26th fucking August. 2 days before BATTLE KING. By then, i'll be gone. No wanker is gonna stop me from going to BATTLE KING. If they want to operate by then...chew on this.

Balls to you, maggot!
Sigh. Shall perform some self-surgery later which should allow me to run at least. IF i succeed (and that's a helluva big IF) i shall celebrate by...jeez. later!
Today also saw me meeting xiaojun for lunch. Hey, you...it's really been awhile, yes? Well, so it finally is true. And i guess it's time for me to fade into the background. I guess that we came close, but never made it. Guess we were missing that element of fate. So...like you said last night...
Wow...this is amazing. Boss just arrowed me via SMS. So...presenting to you the Conducting Occifer for Thursday's MacRitchie Run! Wow!! Fucking amazing! Bleah.
...anyway, coming back, you were sad that you had to go...that things had to come to an end...but, dear, they do. It's a nasty side of life...that things come and go...know something? I am really lucky to have known you for 3 years and counting...whatever you may have been known to me as...be it daughter, (almost-)lover, date, whatever...haha. I guess that's the reason i wanted more. Still. Time to go. I hope we don't become strangers, but given what's transpired...i don't know. Should we start anew?
Hi, i'm guojun. You are...?
Die mutige neue Welt...Der Schlüssel heisst die Vergangenheit | The funeral of Hearts
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...it just hit me that sometimes the key to unlock the brave new world lies actually in the past...it's so true, isn't it? I mean...you'll only notice what's changed, which almost always happens anyway, when you compare with the past. Keyword?
Sit down and think about it. And yes, it is a brave new world out there...you have to be brave enough to face the changes and not tumble...and well...it's not easy at times...
Do i sound too cryptic? I guess so, because this post isn't for one and all to understand.
It hit me after i was thinking back to yesterday's gathering. Astounding, huh, how everyone's changed? Some people resist change - they believe that once they're placed in the same company as before, under the same conditions, then they can turn back the hands of the clock...
Wishful thinking?
The simple fact is, people change. You can't live in the past anymore. And so, after last night, i prepared myself to move on. Onwards through the portal which leads into the brave unknown...
And now...soll ich das lieber auf Deutsch erklären?
Die Liebe beerdigt alle Herzen.
Das, was da oben steht, glaube ich nicht 100 Prozent, aber es macht doch keinen Wahnsinn, oder? Die schrecklichste Dingen könnten aus reinen Liebe getan werden. Die Liebe macht man dazu blind, wie andere reagieren würden. Manchmal blutet man das Herz...wegen der Liebe. Manchmal muss man sich dazu zwingen, nicht mehr fühlen zu können, so dass man jemanden weglassen kann. Na ja...was ist nun zu tun? Lass es...lass sie weg und lass dich frei...
Als ob ich irgendwo frei wäre.
Corrinne May - Let it Go
After a night with a group of people i hold closest to my heart, a bottle of Stella Artois and Corona apiece...and after seeing her again.
Fuck...can someone just teach me how to let it all fucking go?!
I think we've been here before
I recognise this place
I've seen the marks of confusion
Wipe out a single sign of grace
And i don't want to play anymore -
Not when the stakes are so high
So before we circle round once more
I'm gonna lay down,
Lay down my pride...
Let it go
Let it be
Don't waste all your emotion on this tit-for-tat machine
Let it go
Let it be
Let it go...
I turn on the TV
And it screams out at me
Nothing seems to have changed
Since the start of Adam and Eve
So we're waiting for the sky to fall
And we're buying brand new toys
But before we circle round once more
Can we lay down
Just lay down this pride...?
Let it go
Let it be
Don't waste all your emotion on this tit-for-tat machine
Let it go
Let it be
Let it go...
Don't go wasting your emotions -
No one wins if we keep score
Let it go
Let it be
Just let it go...
Confounded by Cordon Bleu... | Baybreeze
Just opened my new bottle of Cordon Bleu (for the uninitiated, a premium cognac...) but, much to my chagrin (which is probably an understatement of sorts...maggots!) the cork, which has been left dry...fucking broke...sigh. Left poor uncle me (and my poppa, and my uncles too) fishing pieces of cork floating on the cognac...still had to run out and get this thing to vacuum-seal the bottle so it doesn't go too...off...
Also made myself a Baybreeze!
50ml light rum
60ml cranberry juice
top up with pineapple juice
This drink tastes absolutely tropical! Fill a tall glass with ice, pour yourself a drink, slip, slap, slop, set up your deckchair, and soak up the Sun!


Ancient of Life...in a modern world?

The weather outside it was for me...

The weather outside this afternoon...Herrlich, nicht?
Das Führen | Leer und müde geworden
Das Wetter da draussen ist absolut herrlich. Mir aber könnte es ein Gewitter sein.
Sigh...this week has done nothing but show me some very important, but often overlooked facts. Let's start with....
Lehre 1: Leaders can fail.
Make no doubt about it. With boss implementing that shitty 5 BX over again, with it coming into effect the past Monday, yours truly returned to camp on Sunday (a first!) so that i could supervise the conduct of the morning exercise, as per boss's intentions. Monday went by okay with a minor hiccup (Unten wird's erklärt) but the real thing came on Wednesday...on Tuesday night, that maggot S1 was the DSO and decided to turn out the whole fucking battalion, because some maggots were caught not sleeping after 2359. The specs came and asked if there was still 5 BX the next morning, to which i replied...
'ya lah!' Without a thought. Not at all.
Eventually, though, i called boss and he said to carry on as well...so by now the specs who were mostly already sucking thumb just went back to their bunks pissed. Here's the hammer. Are you ready?
I fucking overslept the next morning!
Fuck. Feel like such a mofo. I'll bet you that the specs do. Tongues will wag and people will talk...obviously, people will compare...and i myself felt like such a failure. Failed to lead by example. Failed to protect my subordinates (maybe i could've fought harder? Nah. who's gonna buy that now, when it's over and done with?) Failed to do something with them, which, although unpopular, had to be done nonetheless. Failed. And FUCKING FAILED!
Sigh. I should turn in my bars. I wonder how much this has affected them, and i wonder what it'll take to win back what's lost. Really in quite a fix now. And the worst part is, i believed that i should be going for every 5 BX because well, it wakes you up - and yet i went against my belief and overslept. Didn't even hear the fucking alarm. Jeez! What a way to go.
So i made up my mind - i'll go for as many as i can when i'm off-duty, and not to miss any of my duty days. I was almost skinned alive by boss...owned up immediately, though, not like some maggot which would try to talk his way out. Luckily he's already gone.
And now.
Lehre 2: Was man sieht, worüber diskutiert wird, ist nur oberflächlich...
The specs didn't turn up for Monday's 5 BX, even though boss was DSO...as kuek put it, got to test the system...despite the warnings, boss really came down and decided to turn out the specs, despite neo and i trying to cover up for them. Someone asked if i stabbed them in their backs.
Let me make this clear. I did not, and i fucking will not! I'm not into selling people out, in case you smell a rat anyplace. Leaders tend to overlook these facts because they just believe that everything is dandy, like it always has been...habit breeds arrogance, and arrogance is the key to the fall of many a leader. These are the finer parts of being a leader, things which are important but which leaders themselves fail to see. You have to gauge the reaction of your subordinates to your every action, and then act accordingly. Perhaps i should be glad that these mishaps have this habit of coming by once in a while...acting as this reminder for me what it means to lead.
Just came back from what has got to be the worst DOO i've had in ages. Was already up at 0500 because of this dumb dream where i went on DOO and everything just went haywiring around the shop...then went down for 5 BX with everyone and melvyn. I didn't go back to sleep after that, though, opting for a shower and then going to take over the DOO duty...but i was just so fucking tired...can you believe that i actually fell asleep at around 2100 and had to be woken by my Ops TA so that i could go and conduct the staff parade for the guards? Add that to the fact that i've been facing emptiness and the repercussions of what i did on Wednesday...yes, if you all are reading this...i do feel bad.
This void. Whatever can i do against it? Who will come to fill the hole? I can't simply get another person to fill the hole...because then there'll be another hole to fill if things fall through. Not that i'm looking...Sigh. 6 days and 5 nights like this. And finally, i'm home...
What a Great Big Fuck Up! Jeez. It's all over now.
Initial D is good. But jay chou can't act for peanuts. Haha...his range of expressions is too limited...but you'll like it. If you like cars. Or if you're a jay groupie.
The long long road home...

From then...to now.

Drink Me!

Candlelight experiments II: Martini

Absolut Raspberri Screwdriver...taken by candlelight
Übers Aufgeben nachdenkend | Félicitations...!
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...it has finally struck me. The question has been running rounds in my brain space...and...it's been bugging me for this whole weekend...it's a question if i should grit my teeth and make the decision, however difficult it may be...xiaojun, i hope you are reading this...
The question is whether i should give her up. Sorry, reuben and kelvin, despite all my talk about peh peh to you guys, she was the only one for me...it's true. i still couldn't let her go, despite all i told you all...yes, it's true. To your disbelieving eyes, let me say this again.
I couldn't let you go. I never really did.
But, it's true that we haven't been talking. The phone calls, once almost-nightly, stopped. When did this awkwardness come between us? I guess it only really began when i got news that you were attached. It became, well...strange for me to talk to you...or at least i felt strange...like...the words would elude me whenever i had to talk to you...or maybe how the hurt would bubble forth from deep below...or that i would end up throwing a lot of accusations at you...
True, we still talk on MSN. But every single time we talk, it's just the standard 'hi-bye' communications...if i ask you if you have any problems, you tell me not to worry for you. Last night, it felt like a slap to the face. Don't ask me why it felt that way. I probably couldn't explain it to you, either.
Is it fundamentally wrong to like someone? Why did you always give me the message that it was to like you?
It feels like i don't know you anymore...it feels like we've become nothing more than just mere acquaintances...not the princess who accompanied me to comms ball...not the daughter i once had...not anything anymore. True, the class has fallen apart. I'm not denying it. Talk of a class gathering which ain't gonna materialise has shown how everyone just believes that talk can do it. I myself gave up on 1st January.
Bah. Here's a reality check, class...talk is cheap. You bunch of NATO people. I know that all of you are busy. But if it means something to you, please make it a point to be free on the day itself...i know you are working. i know you need income. Or whatever else you may need. Horz is back and i'm glad that at least i managed to put aside my weekend so i could catch up with him. Did any of you do so, for that matter? Or maybe you guys didn't even know! My fault, i guess...i didn't follow up on his SMS to everyone...but i'm tired of pushing people.
Maybe it's true. I don't know you anymore. Maybe i should really, really let you go. Maybe i've been a fool, living in a dream castle all along and not knowing it.
On the other hand, i have to congratulate reuben...for finally becoming tied down to the Terrorist...why am i not surprised? I guess i can only sigh and bide my time for my time to come. Laith al-Deen sang once in his song Labyrinth:
Sag suchst Du die Nähe, meistens auch in weiter Ferne
Sehnst Dich nach den Neuen, doch stehst du auf alten Grund
Ich stehle mir ein Lachen, zähl die Stunde allzu gerne
Lass sie durch meine Hände rinnen bist du wieder kommst...
you say you seek the near, when it's so far away
longing for what's new, while lingering on the old
i allow myself a smile, counting the hours
letting them run through my hands til you return...
Maggots. It describes me well...don't you think?
Anyway. Congratulations. May you live happily ever after.

Coldplay: X&Y for sale 2nd hand! From me of course la...for $15...it can be yours! Granted, it doesn't play too well on a discman but it shld work on a computer =P
Jemand ist endlich 16!! | Mondstein | Der 9-Ball Expert
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...first things first...emelyne is finally sweet, sweet sixteen! Haha...so...since i can't sing a song for my xiao mei (emphasis on can't sing)...so...here goes...Do you remember 5 years ago?
A picture of you, now yellowed and old
5 years down the road, up til now
With a long long road still to come
We've seen our share of ups and downs
But we told each other never to frown
Once there was a time when i gave you my heart -
Do you remember, or is that already too far?
And now as your birthday draws close
Another year - it comes and goes
What changes will this year bring us?
And no matter what they say, no matter how they seem
To your hours of darkness i promise to bring
Light and hope to brighten up the times
You know i will always be by your side...
Now light a candle on your cake
For every smile you helped create (<-yes, thanks, corinne may.)
For the laughter and joy you gave to others
A gift which many will come to treasure
A moonstone pendant to guide your way
To bring some colour and radiance to a grey day
With it, i just wish to say...
To my one and only you...happy birthday!Aye. Speaking of moonstones...it's the birthstone of those born in the month of June...Well...in terms of natural magick, it has much to do with everything lunar (let's not delve too deeply into this), apart from being an exceedingly beautiful semiprecious gemstone...it's normally a translucent silver with the colours of the rainbow refracted within due to impurities...Anyhows. Today i met eme mei to give her her Geburtstaggeschenk...and lunch too...but to all you maggots out there, das ist ja privat! Also, hau ab, du.Also met horz, our Starlight warrior...so named because he's the only champion from us posted to STARLIGHT...as a driver...but hey the overseas pay is no fucking joke because he got five grand in the short space of just 3 months. But it's also good, so now he can treat us when he comes back...
And it seems he's evolved into a pool god. Wow...he almost owned me la...Goodness...i am awed by the transformation...but it's been good catching up with him. I haven't seen the maggot in 4 months. Seems that he's rotting in that holiday spa...what, only having to drive like twice a week?! Although every trip is about 100 klicks...but still. Watched Kungfu Mahjong with him...which is really a very cock movie, IMHO...just for laughs, but the value stops there. Jeez. Think Kung-Fu Hustle without stephen chow. Yeah.Bah...i'm wasted. Was DOO yesterday and although it was quite slack...DOO still leaves you dead shack, y'know? So there.

Das ist ja schon langem her, oder?
Leben ohne Stress | Endlich trage ich wieder meine Boots... | DJ GJs Auftritt
Hallo ihr alle da draussen....endlich darf ich ohne Stress leben! Post-shipment life has been quite bloody balmy, yes? The past 2 days i have been doing nothing but packing up the old TA Office and moving to the new TA Office in the new block. It's not even half as tiring as Admin OIC was...sigh...finally i can lie back and muse, 'Ahhhh...la dolce vita...'
It's not to say, however, that moving office is bloody easy. Bollocks! I never knew that the officers had that many folders, files, ring binders, and documents...shite man...packing was a nightmare, even if mel was there. But then again, that's already over and done with. Haha...*yawn* felt such a sense of accomplishment today when we finally finished the 2 cardboard boxes full of documents...
I also got to more closely check out the new TA Office...in that boss arrowed me to stay in the new office! Maggot man! Make me into some BDS...boss, i only agree to stand in for BDS overnight at times (read: at times) and overnight in the office is because i don't have a decent bunk to sleep in! Maggot...luckily me and mel have finally found our own pad...which means....
No more nights in the office! Yeah man...it doesn't mean that the office is a horrible place to be, because now it's all new and cool...just that...i won't have to sleep in some foetal position anymore...especially in this new office because the sofa, where i usually concuss, is backed up right against a fucking wall so i couldn't extend my poor long legs at all. And the air-con was so fucking cold! I changed from admin into vest/slacks...then i even went up and grabbed my number 4 for a blanket! But...some time later in the night, the air-con switched off, so i guess i didn't feel like my balls were turning blue anymore after awhile...
On Monday, i made a decision and put on my Gore-Tex boots again. It doesn't hurt so bad...but it still hurts...some...i can't fathom why. i think it's because the skin has grown too much already....so it grew over the nail...maggots lah how come its all so problematic?! Never mind. Will wait until 28th June before we all reach a conclusion.
Also, the long-predicted arrow from boss finally struck me...i will be the...Course Co-ordinator for BTACC! Maggot cadets. Now you dieeeeeeeee!!! But i heard got occifers-on-course also. Sigh. Never mind. All are equal during deployment. Only that those with black bars don't knock it down...
Wearing my boots (i.e. getting back in No.4) also brings up my evil factor a few notches...i begin to demand stuff...and i also treated samuel to 01 x essay...That's what you get for not shaving and letting those cock hairs stand out on your chin, maggot! At least you have the weekend...
Once upon a time...when i was with the PAD (Pädagogische Austauschdienst) in Germany in early winter 2002, everyone called me DJ GJ...mainly because they couldn't remember my Chinese name. Don't get mistaken though, maggots, chinese doesn't mean unpopular, introverted, etc etc - you should have seen the jap dude. That is introverted. But anyhows - maybe it's because house/trance/techno is fucking huge in Europe...and well because yours truly was, and still is, very tolerant of such music (i listen to them myself sometimes) so maybe that's why the moniker stuck.
Why did i remember this from 3 years ago? Haha. Listening to Best 2005...if you guys listen to WKRZ 913, you should like this CD. Tons. There's stuff like the Haiducii version of Dragostea Din Tei, acts like Special D, songs which are really not techno...just good dance. I can't stand techno also. Boo, Scooter!

Brown sugar Caïpirovska. And my Absolut is dwindling. Restocks, anyone? =P
Der Untergang | Ein Experiment mit braunen Zucker
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...today, after a very long while, the remnants of the Leper Kolonie met once again...this time, to watch the German movie, Untergang (or Downfall, as you english-speaking people out there better know it.) - a movie which could only be described as intense by the highly eloquent taryn...maybe i should speak auf Deutsch so that all you maggots who want a free spoiler won't get it...
Na. So haben wir uns um 14 Uhr getroffen...um essen bei dieser Restaurant zu gehen...und das war auch was Leckeres, oder? Wir haben gedacht, dass es gar nicht so viele Leute gäbe, die ein deutschspächiger Film überhaupt sehen wollten, aber wir waren falsch! Das Kino war fast ausgebucht...Glücklicherweise sind wir gekommen! Trotzdem kriegten wir Karten in die vordere Reihen...Mensch.
Worum geht's? Untergang erzählt die Geschichte des Untergangs des dritten Reichs im Spätfrühling 1945...wie Hitler endlich total wahnsinnig geworden war, als russische Artillerie seine unterirdische Bunker bombardierten...wie er langsam seine Vernunft verlor...wie jeder seiner Offizier ihm scheint, irgendwie Staatsverrat begangen zu haben...wie er sich dazu zu glauben zwang, dass sein schon zerbrochener Wehrmacht noch tausende von Soldaten hätten...wie er seine Generalen und Feldmarschall anschrie...
Aber anstatt zu versuchen, Hitler als einen Spinner zu zeigen, zeigt auch, dass Hitler eine menschliche Seite hatte...der Art, wie er seine Sekretarin handelt, wie Traudl Junge selbst gesagt hat, 'er ist manchmal so ein guter Mensch, dann macht er solche schreckliche Dinge...'
Das Film zeigt ausserdem, wie so sehr Leute wie Göbbels von dem Konzept des Nationalsozialismus überzeugt waren, damit sie lieber tod wären, anstatt an einer Zukunft ohne Nationalsozialismus zu denken..bloss darüber nachzudenken wäre ihnen unerträglich...und wie eine Mutter ihre Kinder aus reinen Liebe vergiftete, weil sie der Meinung war, ohne Nationalsozialismus hätten ihre Kinder keine Zukunft mehr, wie Offiziern der SS Selbstmord begangen...Ich dachte mir: Mensch, was führt man zum solchen Unsinn? Das Situation war schon hoffnungslos, also warum kämpften sie immer noch weiter?
auf Englisch.
Maybe it's because Hitler truly pulled Germany out of the Great Depression...he was seen as the saviour of Germany...and also maybe it was the fact of how Hitler really brainwashed the entire youth to him...i won't forget how this young girl, working at a flak cannon doubling as light field artillery, raised her hands in a Nazi salute as someone shot her down...and how that person finally put the barrel of the gun to his own temple.
Anyway, that's enough, you maggots. If you want the whole lowdown, go and check out the movie yourself. It's really a very very good movie; i think i'll get my hands on the VCD/DVD if it comes out.
If, that is.
If you want pictures, go and visit the Leper Kolonie...yeah...
Yesterday i tried making a Caïpirovska but this time, i muddled half a lime with brown sugar...overall, i think i added too much vodka, and although it's still sour as hell at the bottom, you get that lingering taste of brown sugar at the bottom. Yum...it's better than white sugar, at least. Go on and give it a shot...you never know what you'll get!

The best solution for a hot day...

JJ : Teil Zwei | Gemischte Gefühlen
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...right now, a huge lot of mixed feelings are running around in my brain...part of me is happy that the fucking shipment is finally over and done with...try to see the sigh of relief as i saw the 5-tonne which would be ferrying us back emerge from the cargo ship...i seriously felt like ORD-ing on the spot. Sigh.
ORD loh. Fuck yeah! No lah...it's just that sigh of relief when all the effort, running around and generally behaving like an insane man has finally paid off. Good riddance! Sigh. Back to mundane office life, which includes absorbing arrows. Maggoty swine.
Part of me also feels fucked up. I've been walking around in admin for about 2 maggerous weeks already. My number 4 has been untouched since last Monday...which isn't good at all...part of my post-shipment plan was to go and get my toe fixed (once and for fucking all) so today i happily went to the medical centre...only to get shipped all around Singapore in a clastrophobic ambulance with about 5 more sick maggots until we finally got to Dieppe Barracks just opposite Khatib. The MO there was friendly enough, interestingly...but maybe it's because i can wear black bars now instead of white...sigh. He wrote me a referral letter immediately to any A&E of my choosing...so i went home and went to NUH...but...
Maggots! NUH referred me to a specialist, gave me 2 more bloody fucking weeks of excuse boots, and told me to come back later! Swine...now how?! They say they're going to destroy the nail bed so i figure this should be once and for all but...on 28th June?! Sigh.
They said i could easily remove the scab...but...it's not coming off...easily...still i want to be rid of it so at least i can go for my complex DOO on the 24th. If not...how will i answer to fats?!
Another reason why i don't want to be in admin anymore is because i look fucking slack. johnny has been shouting 'twang!' every time he sees me. You fucking maggot. You better watch it before i pinch your cheeks and treat you like how woon treated bob. Baby talk, anyone? koochie-koochie-koo! Swine. Yes i do not want to have the fats look anymore (FYI, fats had footrot during BTACC so he was pretty much like me also.) add that to the fact that i can walk about quite easily, i just want to be rid of this ASAP. make that FASAP. Even boss said that i look like a bloody slacker and that he should find me work to do. Please don't, sir. Although i can already feel 01 x big arrow flying towards me...you know like how people who are going to be struck by lightning feel all their hairs standing on end?
Another interesting fact: Fats flunked basic theory! Aye. You champion. Teach me how to fail BT leh.
Another interesting happening is how i transformed into junjie part II. Let's see. All fired up and such, i sent the dudes a mail telling them what to do if they unluckily got Admin OIC. Of course, it was sprinkled quite liberally with profanities, anecdotes, back-mouthing, bitching overall. The best part was that i accidentally sent it to the CO...oh shat...who promptly forwarded it to my boss and ranger Lek...oh shat...squared...but oh well...i am jj's understudy, you know. Hahaha...it's just...interesting.
In case you want to know what happened to jj, here are some keywords for you. acting RSM. golf. e-mail. yeah that's about it.
But if you want to see it in another light, i indirectly highlighted to CO that the way we do shipments is really fucked-up! See?! I-am-so-bloody-smart! Must have grown up on Smarties.
Yeah, right.
I went driving this evening, albeit the pain of shoes...(ack. how will i ever get used to wearing my boots back again?! To think they'll be following me to Deutschland for winter.) and the instructor took us out to the roads...i think he was mildly impressed...hmm. Hopefully this keeps up. I'll save quite a lot from driving then...

Stuck in a moment you can't get out of...
OR what happens if the government
finds you...yes you bothersome blogger...
Scheisse! | Wenn das Lachen stillt... | Conspiracy Theory : Singapore Bloggers
Sigh. These past 2 days have been fucking shit. This dubious honour of being the Admin OIC for an exercise you're not gonna go up to has really begun to grate on me. Fuck. Part of me wonders why do i still bother to run around making sure everything is okay. I'm not afraid of extras, if that's what you're thinking...i mean, i've already declared tens of times that once the shipment is over (Thursday!! Pull your ass and hurry up!) whatever happens at ROLLING THUNDER is not going to be my fucking pasar anymore.
So why do i still care now?!
I think i just want to do it properly...although so many doors have been slammed in my face...let's see...
1. S4 and danny giving me all sorts of fucked-up last minute stuff (The MAGGOTS!)
2. yizhi getting chickenpox (Of all times...)
3. kingston going AWOL...
4. everyone caught in the fucking hurry-up-and-move-block fever...
5. various less important factors
Especially the S4 and danny! Maggots! It's so amazing how every fucking time i see them, they seem to give me more work to do. Sigh...and what's more...danny hasn't done this shit before...so...it fucked-up...BAD...ack.
I think i've not been a very effective leader in this Admin OIC shenanigan. As derek pointed out, i could have very well appointed a personal assistant from the specs...but i didn't...sure, i made sure i got some specs to help out with the work, like sealing the ops boxes...and it's not that they were very reluctant...just that i didn't delegate enough. Luckily enough i didn't go berserk and award everyone some Khatib vouchers, as uncle Hoo puts it.
I guess that i shall have to learn how to do it lor...to get my subordinates more involved in the planning, than just the doing...of course, not like maggot mok who is simply a fucker.
And there weren't any laughs to de-fuse my wired-up fuse...these past two days have been like...the worst...all of us are dying of work overload. Well, at least i can vouch for mel and me (although mel is on off today, that maggot)...not for fats, who could travel all the fucking way down to 41 SAR with pilot hong to get his fullpack. You swine you. I hope you get admin OIC. But...considering how pro he is at delegation...sigh.
Why am i so fucked up?!
On another possibly more serious note...there has been word that the upcoming Singapore Bloggers' Forum will be the biggest meeting of local bloggers...come july, they will convene in Woodlands...so that the de-masking will begin...
Maggots. All beloved friends and countrymen, i beseech you not to go for the abovementioned Bloggers' Forum. Our loving government will take the opportunity to catalogue us and hunt us down, should we decide to write something which may potentially damage the interests of Lee and Sons, Pte Ltd.
Already once-considered 'safe' people like mr brown, mr miyagi, and others have been 'turned' by the gahmen infidels known as civil servant sewer serpents into snivelling maggerous scum.
There is, of course, further evidence of governmental influence. There have been sponsered drinks, which will undoubtedly be spiked with a little something to loosen your tongues or maybe even a Matrix-esque tracking device! Then you will all be found out, rooted out and mercilessly hunted down!
For all you interested readers, i am not Deep Throat.
So if i were you, which i already am doing now, i would...
1. Lock the blast doors
2. Stock up on a Remington shotgun and 12-gauge ammunition.
3. Buy a M16A2 with six clips of 5.56mm ammo (in my SBO, no doubt)
4. Install Patriot missiles.
5. Stun a TPQ-37 to detect any incoming!
6. Prepare for nuclear holocaust.
7. Remove my picture from www.blogger.com
And if you want, you can always join the Resistance! Hooray for free speech! Haha. American wankers.
To find out more...visit here.

Black and White Russians...Black is stronger, but white is sweeter. =)
Babe Day | Black and White Russians | Das Geschenk
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...yesterday was babe day! It seems that they come by once in a blue moon, when i get to spend one day with babes! haha...but still, i am only the occasional lucky maggot.
Emelyne (surprise!) messaged me at 0730 yesterday...when i was still lost in la-la-land, asking if i would be free...now that's a first...because...my dearest xiao mei is a girl you have to book like eons in advance. And then, it's still not confirmed! I suppose i still make the effort to because...as she so obtusely pointed out in her blog, we've known each other for 5 years. That's one third of her life, and one quarter of mine. If that's anything to go by...i guess i should cherish her all the more, shouldn't i? More on that later.
So we met for lunch, even if she was coming down all the way from yishun to fucking marina square. BUT! It was worth it...because...lunch was marvellous, and we talked about everything under the Sun, from her results to monster me to the future...so much to talk about huh? But, when you haven't seen each other for about 15 months nor sat down and really talked...everything goes...
By the way, if you want a nice, quiet place to dine with great ambience in town, try Victor's. Don't let the empty place scare you off - because the food is really quite bloody impressive. Right, eme? Haha...
And for those of you who are aching to see what my xiao mei looks like...

Sigh. I miss you. I really hope we can meet in 2 weeks' time...i mean...it IS your birthday, so...basically, it's your day. If you want you can make me bring you all around Singapore...and hopefully, we'll get to see each other more often, yah?
After lunch, i walked her back to the MRT station because she had to go back to yishun to go for her prize presentation ceremony...she is a shooter...(air pistol, you dirty maggots) so she had to go back...after which...i went to collect her present! It looks nice...really...as to what it is, eme, you will have to find out for yourself. Yes?
In the evening, i brought my cuzzie, yifang, drinking...goodness...i am such a bad influence, yes? But i didn't get her drunk...you maggots! She's my cousin, for fucking crying out loud. Okay i shall stop acting schizophrenic. So...yes, congratulations...you are now officially not non-alcoholic anymore. Should i present you with a certificate? Hmm.
Also found out about the way she thinks about certain...debatable issues...well...she is very strongly opinionated about some things, which isn't necessarily good...but still. Everyone's entitled to their opinions.
Just made a Black and a White Russian. The wonders of coffee!
Black Russian
25ml Kahlúa
45ml vodka
Stir over ice.
To make a White Russian, you just top it up with milk to make it look really creamy and nice...
Basically...expect these Russians to taste like...you got it...coffee! Kahlúa, which is coffee liqeuer, will easily dominate this drink...but it's kinda strong, so don't expect to feel energised after drinking a couple of this. It's sweet - at least the White Russian tastes sweet but i figure that's partly because of the milk too. The Black Russian is a tad bitter, but these are strong cocktails. Expect it to burn a little down.
Pictures to come!

Stormy skies....
Gimlet | Langsam heilen sich alle Wunden | Spass während der Arbeit
Hallo ihr alle da draussen...although my toenail is ingrown, it hasn't crippled me...the past 3 days have still seen me bustling up and down at work...jeez...Admin OIC is one hell of a post to take up...even i impressed myself with my amazing capacity to be up and about despite that huge fugly growth on my toe...looks like toe cancer...ack. More shenanigans to come...
Last night (Chase night!! linda liao! aye.) it was already much better than wednesday, when melcom came down from his bunk after booking in so that he could torture yours truly. He brought this adhesive bandage which he proceeded to wrap cautiously at first...so it was quite shiok...INITIALLY, that is...until he requested for some clear tape...and taped the whole fucking bandage tight enough to make me cuss and threaten that maggot's life...all you disbelieving swine out there can go and ask jun kiat. The next day it looked like someone spilled catsup and mayo on the wound...urgh. Then...the auntie who usually sells me my lunch (and occasionally, dinner) recommended me this chinese herbal paste...i rubbed it on...and...voilà!
I'm proud to say that i've been walking about the past 48 hours without hobbling too much...and without suffering from insufferable bouts of pain. Oh...don't get me wrong. It still looks like SHIT. Maggots.
Of course, it hasn't been all work and no play, because that makes 2LT Guojun a dull boy. I've played a huge variety of pranks on various maggots over the past few days...hmm. actually only on the last 2 days. Thursday i kept bernard's camp pass in the office...maggot you. To think you tried to steal the pass from us in the wee hours, you maggot. Luckily you kept some integrity. If not, it'd be a 2000-word essay for you to chew on. Suck on that. Haha.
Today, i grabbed nishant's camp pass and ran off...giving it to johnny who happily wandered back to Arthur Battery...hahaha...that really drove nishant nutters looking for it...even accusing vjay (gasp!) of stealing his pass! Haha. Maggot. Sorry, dudes, i have been acting under duress of late. Please forgive this unforgivable childish maggerous behaviour.
I hope my wound mends up soon. Can't wait to get back into my boots.
Just made meself a Gimlet...
3 parts gin
1 part Rose's Lime Juice Cordial
Stir over ice, strain into a chilled martini glass.
Maggots. It tasted of nothing but gin. Maybe Bombay Sapphire is power overwhelming. Or maybe i added too little Rose's. Maybe the next Gimlet i make should be 2:1. The only proof there was lime cordial inside was that unique taste of Rose's Lime Juice Cordial...a bit sour on the palate...hmmm. Maybe that's the hint of sour i'm supposed to get. I can't have it totally sour! That'll be quite FUBAR too. Hmm.